- 压缩传感是一个从2006年左右开始兴起的研究领域,它关注于如何采样信号,也就是信号的采样方式或者压缩方式。通过设计一种特殊的采样方案,可以使得采样频率降低为信号的“信息率”,而不是传统的奈奎斯特采样率,于是,实际的采样率可以大大低于奈奎斯特频率,却只损失很少的信息量,依然保持了充足的信息量足以恢复出采样前的原始信号。这个研究思想挑战了奈奎斯特频率的理论极限,会对整个信号处理领域产生极其深远的影响,同时,信号处理的许多应用领域也会随之发生根本性的发展和变化。 -Compressive sens
- an introduction to wavelets -Wavelets are mathematical functions that cut up data into di® erent frequency components, and then study each component with a resolution matched to its scale. They have advantages over traditional Fourier method
- economic load dispatch
- This chapter introduces visual servo control, using computer vision data in the servo loop to control the motion of a robot. We fi rst describe the basic tech- niques that are by now well established in the fi eld.
- Actual applications require specifi c methods to reduce the infl uence of the correlation to distortions that appear when input images differ from their reference model. When the distortion model can be described analytically (such as
- he fi eld of plasmonics has grown dramatically over the past decade, and still continues growing towards new directions enabling new fundamental science and device tech-nologies. Research in this area explores how electromagnetic fi elds can be
- In this demonstration, we present MeshEye, an energy-effi cient wire- less smart camera mote that has been designed with low-rate, dis- tributed imaging applications in mind. Special attention is given to its unique and novel vision system
- this is a matlab mfile for unit commitment with info and eld
- Normally speech signals are contaminated with noise and interference that reduces the intelligibility of speech during communication. In order to make speech signals eective and useful, they need to be enhanced from the noisy speech signal. In s
- Arabic writer identifi cation is a very active re- search fi eld. However, no standard benchmark is available for researchers in this fi eld. The aim of this competition is to gather researchers and compare recent advances in Arabic wr
- We demonstrate a new approach to CARS spectroscopy by effi ciently syn- thesizing synchronized narrow-bandwidth (less than 10 cm− 1) pump and Stokes pulses (frequency diff erence continuously tunable upto ~3000 cm− 1) based on spec
- ecent advances in electrical engineering and computer science, esp ecially in micro- electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), very-large-scale integration (VLSI) and op erating system theory, have made wireless sensor network (WSN) technologies an imp
- artificial bee colony for eld
- eld with GA and PSO based Solution published paper for your reference
- economic dispatch by eld
- Low-density parity-check convolutional codes offer the same good error-correcting performance as low-density parity-check block codes while having the ability to encode and decode arbitrary lengths of data. This makes these codes well suited
- We propose a learning-based approach for motion boundary detection. Precise localization of motion boundaries is essential for the success of optical fl ow estimation, as motion boundaries correspond to discontinuities of the optical fl ow
《Think Java》
- 《Think Java》作者:Allen B. Downey and Chris Mayeld。 Java学习资料,适合入门。英文版的。