computer vision, automatic detection, human face, face candidates
search, skin-colour determination, 2D colour space, 3D colour
space, illumination independence.
This a two stage method in which at first image RGB compensated and then converted to YCbCr to normalise overall illumination of image.Its cascaded implementation of section 2.A of paper "A FAST SKIN REGION DETECTOR" by Phil Chen, Dr.Christos Greecos
In this paper,we address the effect of illumination on the face detection and the face recognition problem by introducing a novel illumination invariant method, called OptiFuzz. It is an optimized fuzzy-based illumination invariant method to solve th
由一个3D变形人脸模型取自动生成适应的训练样本。由统计视角,tailored训练数据保证了所有的数据变化且由任意的人脸属性丰富训练样本,例如,年龄或体重。更进一步,它可能自动适应到环境约束,例如,来自于监控摄像机的照明或视角约束。我们使用裁剪的(tailor)图象训练一个新的Viola Jones的adaboost 目标检测框架的多核实现。这个新的实现不仅快速的,而且多特征通道的使用成为可能,例如,在训练期间的颜色特征。在我们实验中,我们训练7个依赖视角的人脸检测子并在Face Detectio