关于SVM支持向量机的算法,对于研究手势识别和人脸识别有很*价值。-About SVM support vector machine algorithms, gesture recognition and face recognition for the study of great reference value.
TI官方视觉分析开发库接口说明文件,很难得到,详细讲述了各种算法(跟踪、脸部识别等所需要的算法核心)。-TI visual analysis of official documentation library interface development is difficult to obtain, describe in detail the various algorithms (tracking, face recognition algorithms need the core.)
本程序主要介绍了当前比较流行的人脸识别的算法,此算法可以给大家很好的学习经验。-This procedure introduces the more popular of the current face recognition algorithms, this algorithm can give you a very good learning experience.
人脸识别各种算法,常用人脸识别方法,比如特征方法-Face recognition algorithms, commonly used face recognition methods, such as the characteristics of methods
两篇人脸检测的英文论文,是花钱买的哦,英文描述中是一篇文章的英文摘要!-Face and facial feature detection plays an important role in various applications such as human computer interaction, video surveillance,
face tracking, and face recognition. Efficient face and facial feature det
图像领域中涉及到人脸检测方法的论述,较全面的总结了各种人脸识别方法及其所用算法。-Images of people involved in the field of face detection methods of exposition, a more comprehensive summary of the various face recognition methods and algorithms used.
latest face recognition algorithms
PCA ICA and LDA for Face-Recognition
this document helps you understand the main idea in
PCA ICA and LDA algorithms and their differences
a real-time 3D pointing gesture
recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction
(HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture
recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance
of the hands tracking module
real-time 3D pointing gesture
recognition algorithm for natural human-robot interaction
(HRI). The recognition errors in previous pointing gesture
recognition algorithms are mainly caused by the low performance
of the hands tracking module an
Face Recognition Algorithms with 3DAlgorithms
主要用于解决模式识别中稀疏表示人脸识别核心问题L1范数源代码,程序采用同伦算法设计的,在目前稀疏表示多种算法中,同伦算法是性能公认最好的.-Mainly used to solve the sparse representation of face recognition pattern recognition in the core of L1 norm source code, the program designed using the homotopy algorithm, sparse
表述了人脸识别的研究的方向,以及实现系统设计中所使用到的技术和算法。-Expression recognition research direction, as well as the techniques and algorithms used in the system design.
The 3-D Morphable Model was
introduced as a generative model to p redictthe appearances o f
an individual while using a statistical prior on shape and
texture allowin g its parameters to be estimated from single
image. Based on these new unde
ORL face database which is considered to be a standard face database for comparison of face recognition algorithms.
Abstract. We present a novel 3D face recognition approach based on
geometric invariants introduced by Elad and Kimmel. The key idea of
the proposed algorithm is a representation of the facial surface, invari-
ant to isometric deformations, such
关于神经网络的期刊文献,在人脸识别、无线传感器网络方面均有应用,包括综述类文章、具体算法应用等方面。-Journal literature on neural networks, face recognition, wireless sensor networks are applications, including aspects of review articles, application specific algorithms.
人脸识别的描述及其算法和部分的改进。希望对大家有用!-Face recognition algorithms and improved descr iption of its parts. We hope to useful!
关于人脸识别和步态识别融合的研究,运用较新的算法,而且取得较高的识别率!-Studies on the integration of face recognition and gait recognition, using the newer algorithms, and achieved higher recognition rate!
基于opencv的人脸识别分类器算法与具体实现代码。-Implementation code based opencv face recognition algorithms and specific classification.