- In most cases, a bandpass filter characteristic is obtained by using a lowpass-to-bandpass frequency transformation on a known lowpass transfer function. This frequency transformation controls the location of passband edges and transfer zero
- 设计一个8阶以内的带通滤波器,通带截止频率fc1=30070HZ,fc2=32170HZ,通带内允许最大衰减0.2dB。设计满足要求的Butterworth滤波器和chebyshev滤波器。以RC运放为基本单元以最易实现的原则完成电路设计及参数选择,并根据设计参数进行幅频特性和相频特性的仿真,给出仿真曲线。分析电路的无源灵敏度。-Design within an 8-order band-pass filter, the passband cutoff frequencies FC1 = 300
- 利用 MATLAB 实现窗函数法设计 FIR 滤波器,主要是选择合适的窗函 数进行截断运算 -Window function method using MATLAB to design FIR filter, main is to choose the appropriate letter for window blocking operations.First theoretically to approximate the unit i
- 采用多级级联方法降低了对硬件运算速度的要求,有利于实时处理;采用余弦滤波器改善了阻带衰减不足;内插二阶多项式滤波器补偿了 CIC 滤波器通带内的衰减;抗混叠低通滤波器减小了混叠影响-Using multi-stage cascade approach reduces hardware requirements for computing speed, real-time processing in favor cosine filter improves the stop-band atten
- 关于等波纹滤波器设计的文档,其中包括三种图形,脉冲响应,对数幅频特性,通带阻带波纹。-Corrugated filter design documentation on and so on, which includes three graphics, impulse response, logarithmic amplitude-frequency characteristics, the stopband passband ripple.
- 计一切比雪夫高通滤波器,观察其通带损耗和阻带衰减是否满足要求。-Meter Chebyshev high pass filter, the passband attenuation meets the requirements with loss and resistance.