- 网络摄像机语音编解码及网络通信与控制研究实现了基于IP网络的不同帧率和分辨率的数字视音频通信,较好地满足了实际应用需要,具有很强的应用价值。 -network camera voice codecs and network communication and control to achieve the IP-based network and the different sub-frame rate identified rates of video and audio communicati
- 银行的数字化监视监控系统是目前比较有市场及应用前景的开发项目,基于不同的MPEG采集卡与硬件外围设备开发的监视监控系统在国内外都有比较成型的技术。为了满足实时监视、实时采集压缩、随时回放、压缩数据流的传播等具体要求,在该系统中使用了一种用于网络视频/音频多点传输(视频广播)的视频数据采集卡,提供AVI(MPEG I Frame压缩编码)采集、MPG采集。发送端广播MPEG流,接受端接受MPEG流并显示,网络传输采用WinSock 2 IP-Multicast。如果本机为发送端,网络上
- CMMB复用标准,详细介绍了CMMB广播信道中复用帧复用子帧视音频复用的结构-Reuse CMMB standard, CMMB broadcasting details of channel reuse reuse sub-frame video and audio multiplexing frame structure
- 基于视频的目标检测跟踪的研究与实现 详细讲述了各种运动目标检测方法 光流法 帧差法-Video-based target detection and implementation of follow-up study to describe in detail the various methods of moving target detection method optical flow frame-difference method
- 视频抓帧,实现在一个能播放的视频里面连续的获取帧或者随即获取。并能对帧进行处理-Video grasp frame to achieve in a row can play video inside or immediately obtain access to the frame. And can deal with the frame
- 视频运动目标的运动分割,基于帧差和背景减。学术论文。-Video moving target motion segmentation, based on frame difference and background reduction. Xueshulunwen.
- 视频运动目标的运动分割,基于帧差和背景减。学术论文。-Video moving target motion segmentation, based on frame difference and background reduction. Xueshulunwen.
- 视频运动目标的运动分割,基于帧差和背景减。学术论文。-Video moving target motion segmentation, based on frame difference and background reduction. Xueshulunwen.
- 视频运动目标的运动分割,基于帧差和背景减。学术论文。-Video moving target motion segmentation, based on frame difference and background reduction. Xueshulunwen.
- 用matlab实现连续视频的分割与采集,其中用读视频指令把连续的视频转化为一帧一帧的图像,用帧间差分法和背景差分法实现-Matlab for continuous video with the segmentation and the acquisition, including video instruction with the reading of the continuous video into a frame of an image, with the frames and the
- The OpenCV "Video Surveillance" facility, also called "blob tracker" through much of the code, is a simple but practical facility intended to track moving foreground objects against a relatively static background. Conceptually it consists of a three-
- 关于视频结构分析,总结了目前镜头分割、关键帧提出、场景边界检测的方法,基于目前算法存在的缺陷,提出了尺度不变特征变换的方法。-Video structure analysis, summed up the scene boundary detection, shot segmentation, key frame proposed scale invariant feature transform method based on the current algorithm defects.
- 关键帧的提取方法的研究,对现有算法进行了总结分析,提出一种采用无监督聚类的自适应关键帧提取算法。-Keyframe extraction method, the existing algorithms were analyzed to propose a unsupervised clustering adaptive key frame extraction algorithm.
- Extract video frame using matlab programming
- 通过文件夹选择窗口选择所需播放的视频文件,然后逐帧在axes中显示出来,相当于实现了逐帧播放视频的功能。-Folder selection window to select the desired video file to play, and frame-by-frame displayed in the axes, the equivalent of the video frame-by-frame playback.
- The conventional multiview video coding (MVC) schemes, utilizing both neighboring temporal frames and view frames as possible references, have only shown a slight gain over those using temporal frames alone in terms of coding efficiency. The
- H264解码器源码,移植ffmpeg中的H264解码部分到Android,深度删减优化,在模拟器(320x480)中验证通过。 程序的采用jni架构。界面部分,文件读取,视频显示都是用java做的,底层的视频解码用C来做满足速度的要求。 在这个版本中,从H264码流中分割出Nal是在java层做的,这样在java层直接调用解码时就知道是否有显示视频,缺点的就是耦合度/封装性差一点。 如果采用在底层做Nal分割的方法,可以封装得好看一些,但是每次送的数据有限制,如果送
- 基于关键帧的视频摘要论文,共三篇,提供基于关键帧的视频摘要生成-video abstract based on key fram
- 对固定帧率的视频进行插帧操作,提高视频帧率会增加视频流畅度,降低会使其变得卡顿。-The fixed frame rate video frame interpolation operation, improve the video frame rate will increase the video fluency, which can be reduced by Caton
Video Processing Subsystem v2.0 Product Guide
- The Video Processing Subsystem is a collection of video processing IP subcores, bundled together in hardware and software, abstracting the video processing pipe. It provides the end-user with an out of the box ready to use video processing core,