- -The existence of numerous imaging modalities makes it possible to present different data present in different modalities together thus forming multimodal images. Component images forming multimodal images should be aligned, or registered so that all
- 基于多传感器数据融合方法的电机故障诊断技术经典论文,深入浅出,值得参考。-Multi-sensor data fusion method based on motor fault diagnosis classic paper , a good reference.
- 拉普拉斯金字塔变换的图像融合文章,介绍改进的拉普拉斯图像融合方法-Laplace pyramid transform image fusion article about improving the image fusion method of the Laplace
- 认知无线电技术的提出是为提高频谱利用率,而认知无线实现的关键技术是频谱感知,众所周知协作检测提高了衰落环境中认知用户系统检测的性能,该文章是基于协作检测提出新的检测方案,利用了双门限方法提高了系统性能,兼顾带宽有限和增强性能两个方面,是基于门限检测的协作检测性能优化的前提。对以后门限优化协作检测非常有用。-In this paper, we employ a double threshold method in energy detector to perform spectrum sensin
- 文中的方法是把图像分块,小波分解得到低频分量、高频分量,然后计算每一块的对比度,把图像块划分为清晰块、模糊块,把清晰块和模糊块相邻的区域定义为边界区域,融合时,直接选取清晰块作为融合后的相应块,对于边界区域,在小波分解的基础上采用基于对比度的像素选取的方法进行处理。-Paper, the method is to image segmentation, wavelet decomposition are low frequency, high frequency components, then
- 多特征信息融合的贝叶斯网络故障诊断方法研究-Multi-feature information fusion fault diagnosis method of Bayesian networks
- Abstract. This paper describes a system for isolated Kannada handwritten numerals recognition using image fusion method. Several digital images corresponding to each handwritten numeral are fused to generate patterns, which are stored in 8x8 ma
- 水下潜艇与航行器的信息融合方法研究,利用MDPDA算法的融合结果。-Submarines and craft in the information fusion method, using MDPDA fusion algorithm.
- Image Fusion is the process of combining information of two or more images into a single image which can retain all important features of the all original images. Input to fusion is a set of images taken from different modalities of the same scene. O
- mixed pixel classification
- 多传感器数据融合手册,讲的很详细,包括各种数据融合方法-Multi-sensor data fusion manual, speaking in great detail, including data fusion method
- 滤波法:相当于“中位值滤波法”+“算术平均滤波法”,连续采样N个数据,去掉一个最大值和一个最小值,然后计算N-2个数据的算 术平均值 N值的选取:3~14 优点:融合了两种滤波法的优点,对于偶然出现的脉冲性干扰,可消除由于脉冲干扰所引起的采样值偏差 缺点:测量速度较慢,和算术平均滤波法一样,比较浪费RAM 164显示:只需两个IO口即可驱动,节约IO脚 -Filtering method: method: the equivalent of " median filte
- 提出了一种基于小波变换和模糊集的图像融合算法.其基本思想是: 首先对图像进行小波变换,获得图 像的低频和高频分量 随后在融合过程中, 对低频和高频分量采取不同的融合策略, 即对低频分量采用平均能 量法进行融合,对高频成分利用图像的模糊集, 寻求一个模糊隶属函数作为融合算子进行融合 最后再对融合 后的图像进行小波反变换,重构出融合后的图像.实验结果证明了方法的有效性.-Proposed image fusion algorithm based on wavelet transform
- 基于多尺度小波分解的图像融合方法是目前最热门的方法之一。本文重点对基于小 波分解的图像配准和图像融合技术进行研究-Multi-scale wavelet decomposition based image fusion method is one of the most popular methods. This thesis studies the image registration and image fusion technology based on wavelet dec
- This paper presents an adaptive information fusion method to improve the accuracy and reliability of the altitude measurement information for small unmanned aerial rotorcraft during the landing process. Focusing on the low measurement performance
- 一种基于非负矩阵分解和红外特征的图像融 合方法,实现源图像的目标区域和背景区域分别融合。-A proposal method based on non-negative factorization (NMF) and infrared feature is presented for infrared and visual images fusion, which fuses the target region and background respectively .
- 提出一种采用波束调度策略的MIMO 与智能天线融合设计方案,用以解决MIMO 传输中空域相关性问题。融合 方案在天线结构上以智能天线单元组建MIMO 阵列,智能天线单元之间协同工作。分析了采用波束调度时的MIMO 矩阵构成及 其合并接收方式,给出一种波束间空域相关性的计算方法。仿真结果表明,在小角度扩展条件下,同指向的波束相关性与全向 阵元相关性相似,而波束调度策略具有良好的去相关性,能有效提高MIMO 信道容量。-A MIMO smart antenna Fusion Method
- 这是一篇研究彩色图像融合方面的硕士论文,研究了典型的彩色图像融合方法并提出图像融合的评价标准。-This is an aspect of color image fusion master' s thesis studied the typical color image fusion method and presents the image fusion evaluation criteria.
- 介绍红外图像与可见光图像融合方面的硕士论文,图像融合方法采用小波变换。-Introduction infrared and visible light images fused aspects of master' s thesis, image fusion method using wavelet transform.
- Abstract—To overcome the difficulties of sub-band coefficients selection in multiscale transform domain-based image fusion and solve the problem of block effects suffered by spatial domain-based image fusion, this paper presents a novel hybrid