应用模糊逻辑对直流电机转速进行控制-using the fuzzy logic to control the vitess of the motor
《智能预测控制及其MATLAB实现(第2版)》系统地论述了神经网络控制、模糊逻辑控制和模型预测控制的基本概念、工作原理、控制算法,以及利用MATLAB语言、MATLAB工具箱函数和Simulink对其实现的方法。该书取材先进实用,讲解深入浅出,各章均有相应的例题,并提供了大量用MATLAB/Simulink实现的仿真实例,便于读者掌握和巩固所学知识。-Intelligent predictive control and MATLAB (2nd edition) described the neu
ADVANCED FUZZY CONTROL OF THE TEMPERATURE IN THE TEST-The paper deals with a systematic approach to the control system design with a final goal to efficiently control
some living conditions in a test chamber. The first step of each systematic appro
The fast control capability of the VSC-HVDC and
the process of area mode oscillations are analyzed. An auxiliary
fuzzy logic controller designed in Matlab for the Voltage Source
Converter based HVDC transmission system, VSC-HVDC, to
improve t
Fuzzy Logic Control for mini-drone, in spanish and for matlab and microchip assembler-Fuzzy Logic Control for mini-drone, in spanish and for matlab and microchip assembler...
采用MATLAB平台,对复合电源进行模糊控制,保证输出的稳定性-fuzzy control for DCDC
This is a BS Final Year Project of electrical engineering which is about Design of a Neuro Fuzzy Logic Controller for Speed Control of a DC Motor in MATLAB.
matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor ha-matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor hall
matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor ha-matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor hall
matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor ha-matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor hall
matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor ha-matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor hall
matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor ha-matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor hall
matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor ha-matlab source code in the drive motor pmsm new math fuzzy bldc logic control sensor hall
This paper presents a fuzzy logic algorithm to
control DC-bus voltage of a shunt active power filter
(APF). This work is done to illustrate the Performance
and robustness of current Identification references by
calculating the harmonics (THD) res