- 模糊C程序 模型为一阶内有模糊规则 用于电阻炉温度控制 -Fuzzy C for one process model has fuzzy rules in order for the resistance furnace temperature control
- 本文在分析城市交通信号控制研究现状和交叉*通信号控制原理、评价方 法的基础上,设计了单交叉*通信号两级模糊控制系统。分级模糊控制能有效 减少模糊规则数,易于提取模糊规则,适合于交通状况复杂的城市交叉*通信 号控制。但它存在难以由人工合理定义全部模糊隶属度函数的问题。为此本文进 一步采用遗传算法对两级模糊控制器中模糊隶属度函数进行优化。本文提出的方 法具有分级模糊控制的优点,同时可以使模糊隶属度的选取更为合理,获得更好 的控制效果。对一个四相位单交叉口,利用MA
- Web access path prediction using knowledge discovered from web logs has become an active research area. Web logs provide updated information about the user’s access record to a web site, which contains useful patterns waiting to be discovered and use
- Describe an example about Fuzzy Rules
- adaptive routing algorithm in which the link cost are dynamically assigned using a fuzzy system. The traffic in the network is re-routed to nodes, which are less congested, or have spare capacity. Based on a set of fuzzy rules, link cost is dyn
- into the C language. Now you can add fuzzy logic to your applications without expensive, specialized hardware or software. Fuzz-C accepts fuzzy logic rules, membership functions and consequence functions, and produces C source code that c
- 摘要:为了减少先验知识对统一潮流控制器中模糊规则的设计和电力系统参数的变化对统一潮流控制器性能的影响, 文中采用模糊神经网络来设计统一潮流控制器-Abstract: In order to reduce a priori knowledge of the unified power flow controller in the fuzzy rules in the design and power system parameters on the unified power flow contr
- 该控制器输出部分的比例因子可以根据转矩的变化趋势经自适应机构的模糊规则库在线调整,不仅可以使永磁同步电机直接转矩控制系统保持恒定的开关频率,而且可以有效地减小磁链和转矩脉动,特别是低速时的转矩脉动。仿真验证了自适应模糊永磁同步电机直接转矩控制策略的有效性。 -The output of the controller part of the scale factor by the adaptive mechanism of the fuzzy rules according to the to
- This paper presents an indirect approach to interval type-2 fuzzy logic system modeling to forecaste the level of air pollutants. The type-2 fuzzy logic system permits us to model the uncertainties among rules and the parameters related to data analy
- 这是关于模糊控制算法的M文件,里面包含模糊规则的生成的方法,很实用-This is about the fuzzy control algorithm of the M file, which contains the method of generating fuzzy rules, it is practical
- This paper presents two kinds of adaptive control schemes for robot manipulator which has the parametric uncertainties. In order to compensate these uncertainties, we use the FLS (fuzzy logic system) that has the capability to approximate any nonline
- A position control of a class of servomotors is addressed in this paper via a novel adaptive fuzzy PI sliding mode control. The premise and the consequence parts of the fuzzy rules are tuned with adaptive schemes. To attenuate chattering effectively,
- 炉温模糊控制规则的matlab simulink仿真-Furnace temperature fuzzy control rules matlab simulink simulation
- 该文设计了一种基于Matlab和模糊比例积分微分PID (proportional-integral-derivative)的汽车定速巡航控制系统,该巡航控制系统由模拟数字信号输入装置、定速巡航控制电子控制单元和节气门执行器等器件组成.为提高汽车巡航的精度和稳定性,提出了一种基于Matlab和模糊PID的自适应模糊控制方法,该控制算法在线优化模糊控制规则以及输出比例因子,既保留了传统模糊控制的优点,又有效改善了系统的控制品质,实车试验结果表明,试验车(上海大众帕萨特1.8 MT)在40、60、8
- 为了设计出智能的列车悬挂系统提出了基于神经网络的自适应模糊控制 模糊控制主要是针对系统的非线性神经网络控制是产生模糊控制的控制规则。最后通话matlab仿真,得出可行性。-In order to design intelligent train suspension system is proposed based on adaptive neural network fuzzy control fuzzy control is mainly for non-linear neural netw
- 机器学习领域经典分类算法综述,包括Decision Tree(ID3、C4.5(C5.0)、CART、PUBLIC、SLIQ和SPRINT算法),三种典型贝叶斯分类器(朴素贝叶斯算法、TAN算法、贝叶斯网络分类器),k-近邻 、 基于数据库技术的分类算法( MIND算法、GAC-RDB算法),基于关联规则(CBA:Classification Based on Association Rule)的分类(Apriori算法),支持向量机分类,基于软计算的分类方法(粗糙集(rough set)、遗传
- Fuzzy logic is a kind of logic using graded or quantified statements rather than ones that are strictly true or false. The fuzzy sets representing linguistic variables allow objects to have grade of membership from 0 to 1. The pre/post-contingent
- car parking by fuzzy rules
- Genetic algorithm based framework for mining fuzzy association rules
- Peptic Ulcer Detection Using DNA Nanorobot Based on Fuzzy Logic Rules