- Eye gaze detection using Gabor filters and multilayer perceptrons.
- ace Detection Program for MATLAB 2013a using Gabor Feature Extraction and Neural Networks ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1- copy all files and directories to the MATLAB s work folder * In order to run
- 基于Gabor wavelet经典论文,谷歌引用上千次,经验证,算法可行性高,对眼动人机交互很有帮助。-A eye corner detection based on Gabor wavelet,it has been cited beyong 1000 times,the algorithm is very effective.
- Defect detection in textured materials using Gabor filters
- This project describes the problem of facial expression recognition in the field of computer vision. Firstly, the psychological background of the problem is presented. Then, the idea of facial expression recognition system (FERS) is outlined and the
- This project describes the problem of facial expression recognition in the field of computer vision. Firstly, the psychological background of the problem is presented. Then, the idea of facial expression recognition system (FERS) is outlined and the
- Abstract—To overcome the difficulties of sub-band coefficients selection in multiscale transform domain-based image fusion and solve the problem of block effects suffered by spatial domain-based image fusion, this paper presents a novel hybrid