- 针对三轴稳定卫星的姿态控制系统,在离散事件仿真平台OMNeT ++的 基础上,建立了一个以星敏感器和陀螺为敏感器,反作用飞轮为执行机构的闭环 控制仿真系统。采用双矢量定姿算法和P ID控制算法,对该卫星在对地定向模 式下的控制精度进行了仿真。仿真结果清晰地反映了星敏感器和反作用飞轮输 出延时对控制精度的影响。整个仿真系统符合面向对象和模块化的程序设计理 念,并实现了仿真程序的重用。-For the three-axis stabilized satellite attitu
- This a MATLAB program that calculates the radiation characteristics of a: a. Rectangular (of dimensions a and b) b. Circular (of radius a) aperture antenna when it is either: a. Mounted on an infinite perfect electric conducting (PEC) gr
- 这个东西很重要的,关于地震反应谱和地震动的时程,傅里叶幅值谱。-This thing is very important, on the earthquake ground motion response spectra and time history, Fourier amplitude spectrum.
- This paper describes the opportunity of implementing a model of a Mho type distance relay with a three zones by using MATLAB/SIMULINK package. SimPowerSystem toolbox was used for detailed modeling of distance relay, transmission line and fault simula
- 使用Matlab建立Okumura微波地面反射损耗及绕射损耗模型,绘制衰落因子Vdb随相对余隙的变化曲线-Using Matlab ground by microwave reflection loss and diffraction loss model, the fading curves plotted with the relative factor Vdb clearance of