- SIM卡为表示能够执行proactive command且支持SAT,它必须在文件EFphaseTKG EFsst中有相关数据。 Phase文件指的是SIM卡所支持的GSM标准的级数,值为3则指SIM卡支持GSM phase 2和设置下传功能(profile download)。SST文件包含支持哪些GSM性能的准确信息。-SIM card that can support the implementation of proactive command and the SAT, it must
- 所谓短信猫,其实是一种工业级级GSM MODEM,通过串口与计算机连接,可以通过AT 指令控制进行短信收发的设备。国内目前应用较多的短信猫,都是以SIEMENS 或WAVECOM 模块为核心组装而成的,与普通手机相比更为稳定高效。-The so-called SMS cat is a kind of industrial-level GSM MODEM, connected through the serial port and the computer can be carried out t
- This a simulator written in Tcl to simulate a network node carrying GSM and GPRS traffics with QoS mechanisms. The payload type including circuit-switched voice, VoIP and web traffic, and the performance including packet drop, delay can be analyzed.
- GSM系统卷积码和交织编码在突发信道和AWGN信道误码特性-GSM system convolutional code and interleaved coded in the emergency channel and AWGN channel BER performance
- This White Paper explains why an external low noise amplifier results in a better performance. Next generation mobile handsets will be equipped with GSM, WLAN, Bluetooth and GPS. Integrating all these functionality onto one printed circuit board
- 此款DTU是一款工业级标准的GSM/GPRS DTU无线数传产品,内嵌高性能嵌入式处理器,具有功能强大、运行稳定、使用方便等特点,广泛应用于无线数传、工业控制、远程监控、集抄系统、无线电表、电力监控、物联网、智能网、智能家居等多种领域。-GPRS DTU, DU600 is an industrial-grade power, high-performance embedded processors, cost-effective GSM/GPRS DTU Product, Widely use
- a MATLAB toolbox – GSMsim – developed as part of a research effort on CMOS front-end RF-IC design. GSMsim provides a mean for evaluating the performance of both transmitter and receiver front-ends in a GSM system. The performance evaluation is