- 本问是一个透视*程序开发技术文章,给出一种通过注册服务程序,实现进程伪隐藏的方法。可供大家参考。-the question is a Trojan horse program development perspective technical articles, is a registration service procedures, process to achieve pseudo-hidden method. For your reference.
- 基于模糊神经网络的软件质量预测模型研究深刻阐述了模糊逻辑推理的全过程,从输入层到隐含层再到输出层。-The thesis expounded the whole process of fuzzy logic reasoning, from the input layer to hidden layer to output layer.
- 在调试过程中由于水平有限,可能有隐含的问题并未能在此次的实验中表现出来,要求完成多时区切换,但由于本人能力有限未能做出,制作出了单一时区的倒计时,由于计算时为严格按照各个月份天数不同及闰年与非闰年差别,在计算倒计时间时不够严谨-In the debugging process because of the limited level, there may be hidden problems and unable in this experiment shown, required to com
- 对隐马尔科夫过程进行了详细分析,并对其应用进行了设计,网站内有程序-Hidden Markov process on a detailed analysis and its application to the design, the website within the program
- There are two main contributions in this paper. The first is to propose a joint random field (JRF) model that extends CRF by introducing auxiliary latent variables to characterize visual scene over time and enhance moving object detection in vide
- A hidden Markov model (HMM) is a statistical Markov model in which the system being modeled is assumed to be a Markov process with unobserved (hidden) states. An HMM can be considered as the simplest dynamic Bayesian network. The mathematics behind t
- 本文主要描述,在软件测试过程中,如何找到容易遗漏的隐藏缺陷-This paper describes, in the software testing process, how to find easy to miss hidden defects
- 易语言进程隐藏模块,可以防止进程被杀掉,很好用。-Easy language hidden process modules that can be killed to prevent the process, very good use.
- 一种HMM可以呈现为最简单的动态贝叶斯网络。隐马尔可夫模型背后的数学是由LEBaum和他的同事开发的。它与早期由RuslanL.Stratonovich提出的最优非线性滤波问题息息相关,他是第一个提出前后过程这个概念的。 在简单的马尔可夫模型(如马尔可夫链),所述状态是直接可见的观察者,因此状态转移概率是唯一的参数。在隐马尔可夫模型中,状态是不直接可见的,但输出依赖于该状态下,是可见的。每个状态通过可能的输出记号有了可能的概率分布。因此,通过一个HMM产生标记序列提供了有关状态的一些序
- Audio watermarking is the process of adding the information into audio files in such a way that the hidden information can be used to recognize the owner of the file as well as the quality of the audio signal will not be hampered. Many algorithms for