- 针对基于图像特征点的配准方法中对应特征对难以准确提取的问题,提出一种基于兴趣 点匹配的图像自动拼接方法。该方法首先利用Harris角检测器提取两幅图像中的兴趣点,并在此基 础上采用比较最大值法提取出对应兴趣点特征对,最后利用这些匹配特征对来实现图像的拼接。实 验结果表明,这种方法能有效地去除伪匹配特征对的干扰,同时降低了误匹配的概率-Feature points for image-based registration method of the corresponding char
- 提出了一种优化的图像配准算法。首先把图像中的兴趣点及其角度信息提取出来,利用互信息准则,得到需要的配对点,得到两幅或多幅图像的拼接自然的完整图像, 实验表明,该算法是有效的。-An optimized image registration algorithm. First of all, the image of interest points and their point of view of information extracted, using the criteria of mutu
- 谈到股票价格的移动平均线的分析方法,我们就不得不重点提到著名的格兰威尔移动平均线八*则,格兰威尔法则在中外证券市场中可谓是无人不知无人不晓,格氏八*则是美国著名的证券市场技术分析大师格兰威尔先生在20 世纪动年代所著的名为(每日股票市场获最大利益之战略)书中所运用的测市法则,依据此八*则可以帮助我们来判断股票的最佳买卖时机,寻找最佳的买卖点。-On the stock price moving average method of analysis, we have highlighted
- 野外 人脸特征点定位和姿态估计 matlab 对应的 文章 源码已上传 希望 有兴趣的朋友可以共同 研究 和 探讨 配置到unix环境下-Wild facial feature points positioning and pose estimation matlab corresponding article hope interest friends can work together to study and explore
- 实现校园导航和校园景点介绍以及任意两景点间最短路径-Navigation in campus and campus attractions as well as the shortest path between any two points of interest
- SIFT(Scale-invariant feature transform)是一种检测局部特征的算法,该算法通过求一幅图中的特征点(interest points,or corner points)及其有关scale 和 orientation 的描述子得到特征并进行图像特征点匹配,获得了良好效果-SIFT (Scale-invariant feature transform) is a local feature detection algorithm by finding a pictur
- SIFT(Scale-invariant feature transform)是一种检测局部特征的算法,该算法通过求一幅图中的特征点(interest points,or corner points)及其有关scale 和 orientation 的描述子得到特征并进行图像特征点匹配,获得了良好效果-SIFT (Scale-invariant feature transform) is a local feature detection algorithm by finding a pictur
- SIFT是由UBC(university of British Column)的教授David Lowe 于1999年提出, 并在2004年得以完善的一种检测图像关键点(key points , 或者称为图像的interest points(兴趣点) ), 并对关键点提取其局部尺度不变特征的描绘子, 采用这个描绘子进行用于对两幅相关的图像进行匹配(matching)。 目前, SIFT可以说是所有图像局部特征描述特征子 中最火的一个了。-SIFT was developed by David L
- get image interest points using x y gradient and track the image based on these interests points
- Bachelor Thesis: Implementation of a Software-Defined Radio testbed for OFDM-MIMO communication systems:-This module consists of blocks requirung for building a MIMO system in GNU-Radio. The system is tested on USRP1 devices. Thanks for your interest
Dynamical behavior and application in Josephson Junction coupled by memristor
- With the burst of a Wanna decryptor [1] in the middle of 2017, secure communication within a network [2] has again triggered the considerable attention. Meanwhile, many feasible methods have been proposed to enhance the data security and it is also