- Java has become a confusing world. Five years ago, there were few decisions to make once you started programming in Java—you used AWT for graphical user interfaces, sockets for network programming, and hacked together everything else you needed
- 本论文介绍了J2ME的相关技术及本程序的结构分析和具体功能的实现-This dissertation introduces J2ME and its relative technology as well as this program’s structure and analysis of implementation in details.
- j2me的flash支持资料,希望对需要这些资料的人有帮助。-this is the flashlite for j2me.Hope it s useful for the ones who want.
- 全球手机顶尖游戏3D Moto Racer制作全揭秘、对3DMoto Racer制作过程的介绍和图解-The world' s top mobile phone games 3D Moto Racer Production all Jiemi on 3DMoto Racer presentation and graphic production process
- 基于j2me+servlet的城市公交查询,可是实现多次查询功能,服务器端采用servlet技术,客户端采用j2me技术-071-online examination system source code outlines "online examination system" is a Web-based, B/S examination system software. The system reflects thinking process. Regardless of the exami
- Based chebyshev underwater acoustic signal analysis, D-S evidence theory data fusion, The performance of the program has reached a high level.