- this file contane a simulation of ldpc code using the Bf and WBF algorithm
- serval books about ldpc , which is latest code near shannon limit , has great importance in digital communication
- 关于LDPC密度进化理论分析不规则码字阈值,合理优化度分布,构造优异性能的LDPC码。以及高斯近似分析阈值的比较-Analysis of Density Evolution on the irregular LDPC code word threshold, optimize the degree distribution, excellent performance of the LDPC codes constructed. And the Gaussian approximation th
- 一种基于均匀环路的LDPC码校验矩阵的构造方法,发表在信号处理杂志上。-Uniform loop based on check matrix of LDPC code construction method
- 一种基于循环移位矩阵的LDPC码构造方法,发表在电子与信息学报上-Based on cyclic shift matrix of LDPC code construction method
- LDPC码的编译码技术研究,西安电子科技大学研究成果-LDPC code encoding and decoding technology research
- 提出了一种码率码长灵活变化的准循环低密度奇偶校验(Quasi - Cyclic Low Density Parity Check, QC - LDPC)码,利用构造出的H 矩阵可以达到较大的圈长( girth)值,并能在 girth值不变的前提下实现码率码长的灵活变化-Puts forward a bit rate code length of flexible change must circulation Low Density parity (Quasi-Cyclic Low De
- this an implementation of ldpc encoder and decoder in matlab. generator matrix, parity check matrix and the chennel are implemented seperately. the bit error rate performance is estimated for the ldpc code -this is an implementation of ldpc encoder a
- Implementation of LDPC code
- 对提高可见光通信传输速率的研究,并提出了使用LDPC编码来降低干扰。-In order to increase a transmission rate, the transmitter is composed of plural LEDs and sends digital information by independently controlling brightness of them, which is called parallel transmissions. The r
- LDPC encoder and the decoder of sum-product algorithm. (input H matrix form is Mackay s website form)
- the matlab program checks for cycles that are of the legnth 4.it is a useful program to check if the cycles in your LDPC code are to short thus causing BER errors
- 本文给出Q 矩阵的定义, 在此基础上提出由Q 矩阵构造的LDPC 码新码族-In this paper, the definition of Q matrix Q matrix proposed by the new code of LDPC codes constructed on the basis of race
- 介绍了低编码复杂度和误差性能好的一类QC-LDPC代码-This paper introduces the low encoding complexity and error performance good kind of QC LDPC code
- 利用准循环LDPC码的情况来代数结构摘要和消除通道 -The algebraic structure of quasi-cyclic LDPC code is used to and eliminate the channel
- Here are the base papers related to decoding algorithms for LDPC codes.
- 扩频数据链路干扰中LDPC编码仿真实验的MATLAB程序-Spread spectrum data link interference of LDPC coding simulation of MATLAB
- In information theory, a low-density parity-check (LDPC) code is a linear error correcting code, a method of transmitting a message over a noisy transmission channel.[1][2] An LDPC is constructed using a sparse bipartite graph.[3] LDPC codes are capa
- LDPC码的译码报告,先进行LDPC编码,然后通过和积算法进行译码,最后看误码率是否会下降-Decoding of LDPC code report, first for LDPC codes, then through and integrated algorithm to decode, finally see whether the error rate will drop
LDPC introduction shokrollahi
- LDPC code by Shokrollahi