- 本文主要介绍线性分组码的编码的基本原理。论述了汉明码及循环码的编、解码原理和方法。简要说明了线性分组码的差错特性;详细分析了(8,4)循环码的编码和解码过程,并设计出了(8,4)循环码的编码电路和解码电路。-This paper describes the linear block code encoding of the basic principles. Discusses the Hamming code and cyclic code encoding and decoding prin
- 线性分组码中标准阵列的进一步改进 很好的论文 可以了解线性分组码的标准阵列解码过程-Linear block codes in the standard array of further improvement of the thesis can be a very good understanding of linear block codes of the standard array decoding process
- The paper is about high rate near capacity codes for the Gaussian channel. This approach is based on graphes to produce generator matrices. these codes are shown to be linear time encodable and decodable.
- Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are a class of linear block LDPC codes. The name comes from the characteristic of their parity-check matrix which contains only a few 1’s in comparison to the amount of 0’s. Their main advantage is that the
- CRC的英文全称为Cyclic Redundancy Check(Code),中文名称为循环冗余校验(码)。它是一类重要的线性分组码,编码和解码方法简单,检错和纠错能力强,在通信领域广泛地用于实现差错控制。-CRC called the English Cyclic Redundancy Check (Code), the Chinese name for the Cyclic Redundancy Check (code). It is important for a class of lin
- 在选定的数字基带通信系统中,设计应用分组线性纠错编码,提高系统的可靠性。在发送端利用单片机编程,产生n级(n建议取3) m序列,作为汉明码编码器的输入;同样,在发送端单片机中,编程实现对m序列的纠错编码;接收端利用单片机,编程实现汉明码译码,并还原输出m序列。-The selected digital baseband communication systems, the design application packet linear error-correcting codes, to im
- Using linear programming to Decode Binary linear codes. IEEE article
- 循环码是线性分组码中最重要的一种子类,是目前研究得比较成熟的一类码。它的检、纠错能力较强,编码和译码设备并不复杂,而且性能较好,不仅能纠正随机错误,也能纠正突发错误。循环码还有易于实现的特点,很容易用带反馈的移位寄存器实现其硬件 。循环码具有许多特殊的代数性质,这些性质有助于按照要求的纠错能力系统地构造这类码,并且简化译码算法,目前发现的大部分线性码与循环码有密切关系正是由于循环码具有码的代数结构清晰、性能较好、编译码简单和易于实现的特点,因此在目前的计算机纠错系统中所使用的线性分组码几乎都是循
- It contains 4 matlab codes for ZF,MMSE,ML equalizer for MIMO systems and 1 document based on linear detector for MIMO system
- Convolutional codes Turbo codes LDPC codes Parallel Concatenated Codes with Nonuniform Interleaving Random Coding Interpretationof Turbo Codes Characteristics of Turbo Codes Preface to LDPC Codes:Review of Linear Block Cod
- Information theory coding slides linear codes
- linear block codes using matlab
- Consists of fractional calculus, solving linear Fractional Order Differential Equations (FODE), Source code and comparison of various Mittag Leffler functions, Source code and #D representation Fractional Order Grunwald Letnikov Derivative, New Bhale
- A novel class of bit-flipping (BF) algorithms for decoding low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes is presented. The proposed algorithms, which are called gradient descent bit flipping (GDBF) algorithms, can be regarded as simplified gradient d
- In information theory, a low-density parity-check (LDPC) code is a linear error correcting code, a method of transmitting a message over a noisy transmission channel.[1][2] An LDPC is constructed using a sparse bipartite graph.[3] LDPC codes are capa
- 详细讲解了BCH编码的原理及其应用。 BCH码是一类最重要的循环码,能纠正多个随机错误,它是1959年由Bose、Chaudhuri及Hocquenghem各自独立发现的二元线性循环码,人们用他们的名字字头命名为BCH码。(Explained in detail the principles and applications of BCH encoding. BCH code is one of the most important cyclic codes can correct mult
Virtual simulation of five axis machine tool
- 一个虚拟机工具(VMT)仿真系统,它考虑了工具中心点(TCP)插值, 摘要提出了一种五轴机床的几何误差、伺服动力学和摩擦效应。 提出了一种新颖的五轴插值方法,以保证每种方法的最大速度约束 轴可以满足。 几何误差模型,包括铅螺钉,直度,角和方形 错误的建立是为了分析工作空间中的体积误差。 包括刚性的模型 利用身体运动、摩擦模型和伺服控制回路来评价伺服动力学和非线性 效果。 由位置、伺服动力学和摩擦效应所引起的误差被集成到 车辆行驶里程模拟程序。 TCP轨迹的模拟结果由小的线段