- 这是一个银行家算法的c语言的实现,已经通过测试,望对有需要的有点触类旁通的作用-This a banker's algorithm in C Language Implementation, has passed the tests, there is a need to look a little bit the role they jump! !
- 全套正弦波UPS资料,英文资料,内有详细的C语言源代码,英文弱者可得小心呐,嘿嘿:)-full sine wave UPS information, in English, with a detailed C language source code, English may be the weak to be careful of, a little :)
- Developers use algorithms and data structures every day of their working lives. Having a good under-standing of these algorithms and knowledge of when to apply them is essential to producing softwarethat not only works correctly, but also performs ef
- LightweightCTI是一套旨在帮助开发人员迅速构建语音相关应用的一套开放源代码的基础框架,目前你下载和使用的是构建于Pwin2000+ + Delphi/C++Builder环境下的框架,所有的基础性代码使用Pascal语言完成。LightweightCTI的最终目标不是成为一套可在多种语音卡基础上使用的IVR软件(尽管目前其仅仅支持东进模拟卡的大部分功能),而是希望其成为语音应用开发的基础性框架,为此它当然需要有跨开发语言、跨语音板卡的能力。当然在写本文是我还只是做了一点点的基础性工作
- Standard-Library Exception Safety Bjarne Stroustrup Texas A&M University (and AT&T Labs – Research) http://www.research.att.com/~bs Introduction to the C++ exception handling mechanisms and “resource acquisition is initialization” for peopl
TV 信号解码
- The purpose of a comb filter is to separate a composite video signal's luminance (Y) information from its color (C) information. There are several ways to perform Y/C separation and comb filters are the most common. There are different types of comb
- 顺序表的应用 (1) 已知长度为n的线性表A采用顺序存储结构,请写一时间复杂度为0(n)、空间复杂度为0(1)的算法,该算法删除线性表中所有值为item的数据元素。要求:线性表元素个数n很大,而值为item的数据元素个数很少,要求移动元素个数尽量少;删除后的数组元素与原数组元素不必保持顺序一致。 (2)编写一个函数将一个顺序表A(有n个元素,且任何元素均不为0)分拆成两个顺序表,使A中大于0的元素存放在B中,小于0的元素存放在C中。 (3)假设一个算术表达式中包含圆括号,方括号
- 集北京、上海、广州、深圳、南京、杭州的各大软件、IT公司的软件面试题,希望给那些正在求职或将要求职的人一点帮助。-Set in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou, major software, IT software companies face questions, want to give those who are seeking jobs or to be a little to help the peo
- For the practicing programmer with little time to spare, Essential C++ offers a fast-track to learning and working with C++ on the job. This book is specifically designed to bring you up to speed in a short amount of time. It focuses on the eleme
- 自己制作的一个简单的小日记本程序 希望大家分享 高手指点-To produce their own little diary of a simple wish to share this program master pointing
- Snake C++. just a little detail
- Abstract: The optimal number of cluster heads is an important parameter of wireless sensor network performance. Network nodes will consume more energy if the number of cluster heads is too much or too little. This paper focuses on novel calculation m
- TV YC 分离 解码原理 介绍,比较基础,适合初学者参考用-The purpose of a comb filter is to separate a composite video signal s luminance (Y) information from its color (C) information. There are several ways to perform Y/C separation and comb filters are the most common. The
- C Programming and microcontrollers are two big topics, practically continental in size, and like continents, are easy to get lost in. Combining the two is a little like traipsing from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.
- 接着要做的事就是指定我们的图片要从哪里写入(即写入的XY坐标,这个是最关键,也是最难理解的部分)。因为我们这里是显示一整个画面的图片,所以我们就从12864的第一个点开始显示。那这个点的坐标是怎么定位的呢?我们往这个点写入数据后,要是接着再写数据,那坐标值会怎样变化呢?首先我们要弄清楚12864究竟是怎么把数据写入到GDRAM(绘图显示RAM)中去的。12864(ST7920驱动芯片)把屏幕分成上下两部分(如上图中把垂直坐标分成了两部分的00~1F)。当我们把坐标值写给LCD后(怎么写后面会说)
- 一个古老的面向对象语言Smalltalk的学习资料-This book intends to teach you the basics of programming using GNU Smalltalk programming language. GNU Smalltalk is an implementation of the Smalltalk-80 programming language and Smalltalk family is in general a little b
- C的异常机制的剖析,对异常不是很了解的人可以看一下,感觉有点帮助-C' s exception mechanism analysis, of abnormalities not know much about the people can look at, I feel a little help
- 在c#中实现对AutoCAD的调用,多多少少,学一点是一点。-C# call for AutoCAD, more or less, learn a little a little.
- Hall C The Little Haskeller 1991
- vc 串口编程,适用于初学者,希望对你会有所帮助-if you have no knowledge of vc series ,the book can help you little ,good for you