- Fortran进行并行计算的讲稿,台湾网站上下的。-Fortran for parallel computing of the scr ipt, Taiwan Web site from top to bottom.
- 论述了从搜索引擎上下载的动物图片的分类,识别方法-Discusses the search engine to download from animal picture classification, identification methods
- This the program for a red ball tracker robot.Here a web cam is interfaced to a computer,the computer takes images by means of the web cam and processes the images to see if there is a red ball.If a red ball is detected then the computer sends the ap
- 模糊聚类和粗糙集关于web聚类很好的文章-Fuzzy Clustering and Rough Set Clustering good article on the web
- Matlab est un logiciel de calcul numérique produit par MathWorks (voir le site web http:// www.mathworks.com/). Il est disponible sur plusieurs plateformes. Matlab est un langage simple et très efficace, optimisé pour le traitement des matrices,
- 关于如何配置matlab web sever的详细资料与步骤-Detailed information and steps on how to configure the Matlab web-sever
- interface camera with matlab
- matlab project and mphil project document is add here
- PEG compression is used in a number of image file formats. JPEG/Exif is the most common image format used by digital cameras and other photographic image capture devices along with JPEG/JFIF, it is the most common format for storing and transmitting
- this is a matlab code for picture_upload,this code is for disign web
- NumericalMethods inEngineeringwithMATLAB® is a text for engineer-ing students and a reference for practicing engineers, especially those whowish to explore the power and efficiency of MATLAB. The choice of numerical methods was based on th
- 两个Matlab的教程,分别来自正式的出版物和网络教程,对于Mablab入门指导和日常翻阅手册是一个很好的资料-Two Matlab tutorial data were from official publications and web tutorials, and daily for Mablab introductory guide manual is a good read
- We live in the era of amobile data revolution.With themass-market expansion of smartphones, tablets, notebooks, and laptop computers, users demand services and applications mobile communication systems that go far beyond mere voice and telephony.
- inter leaver in matlab
- 对ESA网站下载的GOCElevel_1b的EGG_NOM_1b数据进行提取,得到重力梯度观测值与四元数数据。(The GOCElevel_1b data of EGG_NOM_1b downloaded from the ESA web site are extracted, and gravity gradient observations and four yuan data are obtained.)