This paper proposes a new method of extracting and tracking
a nonrigid object moving while allowing camera movement. For object
extraction we first detect an object using watershed segmentation
technique and then extract its contour points by a
结合了背影恢复技术和目标跟踪技术进行视频分割算法,分背景重建、运动目标提取、跟踪技术的使用和后处理4个步骤-Combined with the back of recovery techniques and target tracking technology for video segmentation algorithm, sub-background reconstruction, moving object extraction, tracking the use and post-pr
文章以胡柚为研究对象, 针对基于机器视觉的胡柚品质分拣生产线所涉及的关键技术进行理论和试验研
究,先对在传输带上运动的胡柚进行图像采集、图像分割、图像平滑、灰度化和锐化等一系列 的图像处理, 然后对处理后
的胡柚图像提取大小、颜色和缺陷的特征值,最后依据提取的特征参数进行大小、颜色和缺陷分级。 并以此为基础,研究
适合实时条件下的胡柚大小、形状、颜色及果品缺陷等品质指标的检测方法和分拣执行机构。- This paper takes grapefruit as the research
高斯处理视频并跟踪运动做前景背景分割,可用来做前背景分离,分离出运动物体,达到抠图的效果-Gauss video processing and tracking moving foreground background segmentation, can be used to do before the separation, separation of a moving object, to achieve the effect of Gauss matting video processin