- 机器学习是人工智能的一个子领域,是人工智能中非常活跃且范围甚广的主要核心研究领域之一,也是现代智能系统的关键环节和瓶颈。机器学习吸取了人工智能、概率统计、计算复杂性理论、控制论、信息论、哲学、生理学、神经生物学等学科的成果,主要关注于开发一些让计算机可以自动学习的技术,并通过经验提高系统自身的性能。本文介绍了机器学习的概念、基本结构和发展,以及各种机器学习方法,包括机械学习、归纳学习、类比学习、解释学习、基于神经网络的学习以及知识发现等,并简单叙述了机器学习的相关算法,包括决策树算法、随机森林算
- “Ad Hoc Network与Internet互联的网关发现方法研究”。包括我自己概括的一段文档和一段演示-" Ad Hoc Network and Internet Internet gateway discovery method." Including my own, and a broad section of the document presentation
- 对IPv6协议的节点发现机制进行细致阐述,适于网络测试时参考-The nodes on the IPv6 protocol to conduct detailed discovery mechanism described is suitable for testing the network reference
- 基于SNMP协议的网络拓扑发现程序,随着SNMP推广,在众多的网络拓扑发现算法中,基于SNMP算法越来越实用-SNMP protocol based on network topology discovery procedure, with the SNMP extension, in a number of network topology discovery algorithm, the more practical algorithm based on SNMP
- 数据挖掘和知识发现(Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery,DMKD)技术就是在这样的背景下产生的,是在数据库技术、机器学习、人工智能、统计分析、模型逻辑、人工神经网络和专家系统等基础上发展起来的新兴交叉科学,是继网络之后的又一个技术热点。如果将数据库中的大量数据比喻为矿床,则DMKD技术就是从这矿床中挖掘知识的“金块”的工具。由于其诱人的前景和巨大的难道,使得DMKD成为计算机信息处理领域的研究热点和前沿技术。-Data Mining and Knowledge
- propose a new routing technique called Security-Aware ad hoc Routing (SAR) that incorporates security attributes as parameters into ad hoc route discovery. SAR enables the use of security as a negotiable metric to improve the relevance of the r
- 路由器拓扑发现程序(网络拓扑发现算法 含论文、代码、源程序) vc++ -Router topology discovery process (network topology discovery algorithm with papers, code, source code) vc++
- To improve network spect ral efficiency , a network coding2aware met rics for wireless routing expected coding2aware t ransmission count ( ECTX) is proposed. In general , there are two steps in cod2 ing2aware routing communication : one is findin
- srs document on network discovery
- 网络拓扑发现的研究与实现,一篇很好的硕士论文,关于SNMP的。-Network topology discovery and implementation of research
- Mobile Ad hoc NETwork (MANET) comprises of nodes, which are free to move randomly, yet cooperate to forward packets between source and destination over a multi-hop wireless network. Due to absence of any fi xed node, each node acts as a
- 本文在阐述网络发展的现状和趋势的基础上,着重分析了两种内 部网关路由选择协议砒P和OSPF协议的实现机制和性能特点。对P 协议是基于距离矢量算法的。OSPF协议是基于链路状态算法的。本 文的工作重点是对上述两种协议分别从类型,封装,路径特征,邻居 发现和支持,路由选择数据的分发,对变化的响应,路由表计算,健 壮性/可靠性以及安全性等方面进行了对比分析,并对它们存在的安 全漏洞进行了初步的分析说明。根据以上的分析,通过On忸T软件, 本文设计了一个10km×10km规模
- 社会网络分析的视觉关系的发现在企业。值得参考的论文-Visual Social Network Analytics for Relationship Discovery in the Enterprise
- 详细描述了什么是zigbee协议栈,该协议栈的网络层功能,详细讲解了设备发现、路由发现等知识-A detailed descr iption of what zigbee protocol stack and the network layer of the protocol stack, explain in detail the device discovery route discovery knowledge
- 一个基于snmp发现网络设备的软件,可以进行查找。-A discovery based on SNMP network equipment, software, can be find.
- The present document specifies the signalling procedures for accessing the 3GPP Evolved Packet Core network and handling the mobility between 3GPP and non-3GPP accesses via the S2c reference point defined in 3GPP TS 23.402 [3]. The present document
- The present document specifies the discovery and network selection procedures for access to 3GPP Evolved Packet Core (EPC) via non-3GPP access networks and includes Authentication and Access Authorization using Authentication, Authorization and Accou
- Awareness of the physical location for each node is required by many wireless sensor network applications. The discovery of the position can be realized utilizing range measurements including received signal strength, time of arrival, time di
- 本书全面讲解了Jini技术,包括发现、租借、远程事件、事务等主要概念,并提供真正的分布式连网技术以及可用于实际开发的Jini服务和应用程序技术,书中附有程序代码。本书适用于程序设计人员、网络技术人员。-This book explains the Jini technology, including discovery, lease, the main concepts of remote events, transactions, and provide truly distributed n
- 基于Spark 分布式图计算模型,提出大规模复杂网络社区并行发现算法DBCS 。-Based on Spark distributed graph computing model, a large scale and complex network community parallel discovery algorithm DBCS is proposed.