- Based on the information processing functionalities of spiking neurons, a spiking neural network model is proposed to extract features from a visual image. The network is constructed with a conductance-based integrate-and-fire neuron model and a set
- a spiking neuron network presentation
- Application examples for Spiking Neuron Network-Application examples for Spiking Neuron Network
- 基于RBF神经网络和模糊神经元控制方案, 直接驱动机器人 -Neuron Control Based on RBF Network and Fuzzy Scheme for a Direct Drive Robot
- 这些关于wavelet neuron network 的较好的论文,希望可以帮到大家-this materials are some referrences regarding wavelt neuron network, which are very classica and value.
- 類神經網路理論起源於1950年代,當時科學家仿造人類大腦的組織及運作方式,開始提出稱之為「感知機」(Perceptron)的神經元模型,這是最簡單也是最早的類神經模型,感知機通常被拿來做分類器(Classifier)使用。-Neural network theory originated in the 1950s, when scientists counterfeit organization and operation of the human brain, began to make ca
- Feedforward neural network structures have extensively been considered in the literature. In a significant volume of research and development studies hyperbolic tangent type of a neuronal nonlinearity has been utilized. This paper dwells on the w
A Generalized Neuron Based Adaptive Power
- overview about A neural network