- Analysis of Transparent Mode IEEE 802.16j System Performance with varying Numbers of Relays and Associated Transmit Power
- the file which is uploaded is the uncoded systtem technique which we simulated. it gives the BER vs Snr curve.The un-coded system is simulated is by using randomly generated numbers and it s passed over the AWGN channel.the output of the matlab file
- matlab常用算法集锦,包括各种微分方程求解方法及函数、矩阵、随机数的求解-matlab commonly used algorithm highlights, including a variety of differential equation solving methods and functions, matrix, random numbers to solve
- this code generates random numbers according to different distributions, Gaussian distribution, Rayleigh distribution, Rician and Nakagami, weibull and suzuki model.
- 设计一个一位二进制数大小比较器。比较两个一位二进制数A和B的大小,电路有三个输出端Y1,Y2和Y3,分别对应A大于B,A等于B,A小于B。当条件满足时,相应输出端为1,否则为0。(A,B用两个脉冲源代替),建立仿真模型并保存。-Design a one binary magnitude comparator. A size comparison of two binary numbers A and B, the circuit has three outputs Y1, Y2 and Y3,
- Finland Matlab cannot do regular meshes for non-regtancular regions. However, one can manually do very coarse regular meshes for these type domains. The difficulty is with the edge data e. If this data does not correspond to the orientatio
- a good program in matlab for complex numbers
- 利用MATLAB 的图像处理和数值计算功能,对大气可吸入颗粒物的场发射电镜 (FESEM)图像进行处理,得到颗粒物边界的二值图像;编制MATLAB程序,统计一系列以不同 像素数量为边长的正方形块覆盖二值图像时的个数,根据像素数量和正方形块个数之间的关系, 确定图像的计盒维数。结果表明:MATLAB对分形图像的处理简单、方便,通过科赫曲线、谢宾 斯基填料等有规分形图形分形维数的计算表明该方法计算出的结果准确、可靠。对大气颗粒物的 分形维数的计算表明,不同不规则程度的颗粒物有不同
- Matlab program for bisection method, simpson s rule,newton raphson method,secant method, program to find prime numbers between two given numbers,sum of specific column
- matlab 全部的随机数函数,基本随机数,连续型分布随机数等-matlab all random number functions, basic random numbers, random numbers, etc. Continuous
- homework2 身份证识别系统的参照源码解释。俄文的。我也看不懂-homework2 is a matlab implementation of cutting numbers and characters on the second generation ID card and identification procedure. this pdf seems like a explain for it. but it is written in Russian.
- 产生基带信号 本例中使用matlab中的rand函数随机产生10个随机数,并采用就近取整的办法使其值为0、1.此过程产生的码为绝对码。并且,每个值需要分配一定的长度。-enerates a baseband signal In this example, we use the rand function in matlab to randomly generate 10 random numbers, and use the nearest rounding method to make
- In this assignment, a report about Matlab functions of generating random numbers is prepared and then BPSK , QPSK and 8PSK symbols input sequence of bits are obtained. After that the expected value of generated symbols and the symbol energy are calcu
- 识别0-9数字,通过垂直线方法识别0-9数字(Identify 0-9 numbers and identify 0-9 numbers through a vertical line method)