- 本文提出了一种新的车辆许可证盘子识别,并在此基础上提出了一种自适应图像分割方法-In this paper, a new algorithm for vehicle license plate identification is proposed, on the basis of a novel adaptive image segmentation technique (Sliding Windows) in conjunction with a character recogni
- Abstract—Noninvasive ultrasound imaging of carotid plaques allows for the development of plaque-image analysis methods associated with the risk of stroke. This paper presents several plaqueimage analysis methods that have been developed over th
- 图像分割是一种重要的图像分析技术,对图像分割的研究一直是图像技术研究中的热点和焦点。分水岭算法是基于数学形态学理论的图像分割算法,但是对噪声敏感且存在过分割的现象。为提高图像分割效果,本文通过对影像进行滤波处理,用改进的快速区域合并算法优化分水岭算法进行影像分割。实验结果与MeanShift算法得到的结果对比,证明此算法可以获得较好的分割效果。-In recent years, the watershed line has emerged as the primary tool of mathe
- 图像分割是一种重要的图像分析技术,对图像分割的研究一直是图像技术研究中的热点和焦点。分水岭算法是基于数学形态学理论的图像分割算法,但是对噪声敏感且存在过分割的现象。为提高图像分割效果,本文通过对影像进行滤波处理,用改进的快速区域合并算法优化分水岭算法进行影像分割。-In this work a technique for cloud detection and classification from MSG–SEVIRI (Meteosat Second Generation–Spinning
- In the proposed algorithm, these two issues are solved by a novel predicate, which is defined by the sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) and the minimal cost criterion. Starting from an over-segmented image, neighboring regions are progressivel
- Optical Burst Switching (OBS) network is seen as a promising solution as it directly transports Internet-Protocol over Wavelength Division Multiplexing (IP over WDM) networks. OBS network uses a one-way resource reservation mechanism to set up the re
- Image segmentation by region growing method is robust fast and very easy to implemented, but it suffers from: the threshold problem, initialization, and sensitivity to noise. Genetic algorithms are particular methods for optimizing functions