- === === === === === ==== IBM PC KEYBOARD INFORMATION FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS ================================================================ Sources: PORTS.A of Ralf Brown s interrupt list collection repairfaq.org keyboard FAQ(doesn t ap
- serialwatcher is small and powerful soft to captute d芒t from PC com port
- 数字音频广播(DAB)是继调幅(AM)、调频(FM)广播之后的第三代广播。与现行广播相比,DAB具有音质好(CD质量)、可实现多媒体及高速移动接收、可加密、发射功率小、覆盖面积大、频谱利用率高、抗干扰能力强等优点。DAB传送的业务可以是多种多样的,除了普通的音频节目,它也可以传送任何形式的其它数据,比如文字、静止图像或活动影音。因此,人们也称DAB为数字多媒体广播(DMB)。 本文主要介绍了基于PC和Cyclone II EP2C20F484C7的FPAG上实现DAB发射系统编码器的软硬件
- For my physical studies like Measurement of velocity gradients in high viscose liquids I use Amoeba as a compact and powerful lab measurement system with many reduced pc systems for only data recording together with high speed Pentium PC s for data a
- Siemens PPI协议分析 西门子S7-200 PLC之间或者PLC与PC之间通信有很多种方式:自由口,PPI方式,MPI方式,Profibus方式。使用自由口方式进行编程时,在上位机和PLC中都要编写数据通信程序。使用PPI协议进行通信时,PLC可以不用编程,而且可读写所有数据区,快捷方便。但是西门子公司没有公布PPI协议的格式。用户如果想使用PPI协议监控,必须购买其监控产品或第三方厂家的组态软件。这样给用户自主开发带来一定困难,特别是自行开发的现场设备就不能通过PPI协议接入PLC
- Readout of Humidity (RH) and Temperature (T) from SHT1x and SHT7x sensors with basic error handling Calculation of RH linearization and temperature compensation Access to status register Dewpoint calculation from RH and T values UAR
- How do I find Key# for a new PC. The PC with the actual LInksys Admin Program was on PC that crashed and couldn t - How do I find Key# for a new PC. The PC with the How do I find Key# for a new PC. The PC with the actual LInksys Admin Program