Pedestrian Detection and Tracking for Counting Applications
- This paper describes a vision based pedestrian detection and tracking system which is able to count people in very crowded situations like escalator entrances in underground stations. The proposed system uses motion to compute regions of interest and
- 鲁棒人脸跟踪系统学位论文;提出了一种两阶段的光照均衡的方法来消除单幅图像中的各种阴影包括模糊阴影,投射阴影等 根据快速的Adaboost 训练框架,本文提出了一个实时的鲁棒人脸检测算法 提出了一种基于在线实值boosting 的方法来处理人脸在跟踪过程中发生的外貌变化;实现了一个基于以上模块的完全自动化的人脸跟踪器-Robust Face Tracking System dissertation proposes a two-stage light-balanced approach to t
- O.Javed and M.Shah. 《Tracking and object classification for automated surveillance》. 这篇英文文献是有关运动目标检测跟踪及其分类的文章。该文利用“人体运动的周期性”,把运动目标分为人、人群、机动车。具有较强的参考价值。-O. Javed and M. Shah. " Tracking and object classification for automated surveillance" .
- This an intrusion detection code. I hope this will help people doing work in IDS with secure aodv-This is an intrusion detection code. I hope this will help people doing work in IDS with secure aodv..
- 图像领域中涉及到人脸检测方法的论述,较全面的总结了各种人脸识别方法及其所用算法。-Images of people involved in the field of face detection methods of exposition, a more comprehensive summary of the various face recognition methods and algorithms used.
- People Detection in Still Image
- 警校毕业设计类,网络*侦查方法研究,毕业设计论文参考。希望对需要的人有用。-Police Academy Graduation Class, Internet pornography detection method, students study for reference. Hope being useful to people in need.
- stauffer的经典的混合高斯模型算法描述,适合做行为检测的人使用。-stauffer the classical Gaussian mixture model algorithm descr iption, suitable for people who use behavior detection.
- Face detection algorithms are widely used in computer vision as they provide fast and reliable results depending on the application domain. A multi view approach is here presented to detect frontal and profile pose of people face using Histogram of
- People detection using in tracking
- 车辆检测国外毕业论文,请用分类器做车辆检测系统的人选择阅读-People choose to read the vehicle detection abroad thesis, classifier for vehicle detection system
- 用实验室项目中已提取的人脸模板,将被检图像与其进行模板匹配,判断其是否含有人脸,若含有则将脸部图像截出,并存入指定文件夹中,因此可实现人脸识别。-Extracted face with a lab project template, will be seized image template matching with, to determine whether they contain a human face, if they contain will face image is cut o
- 本文档是关于人脸检测的数字图像处理文章,十分有用。-This document is on the face detection digital image processing articles, very useful.
- 毕业论文格式 论文研究 毕业设计用到的 对于想学习的人很有帮助-Accurate target detection and tracking graduation thesis design used very helpful for people who want to learn
- 基于离散的检测,进行多人跟踪手法,进行图像处理-Discrete detection based multiplayer tracking techniques, image processing
Malicious Node Detection with Intelligent AODV Protocol in Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET)”
- Now days, the sheer volume of road traffic affects the safety and efficiency of traffic environment. Approx 1.2 million people are killed e ach year on the road accidents. Road traffic safety has been the challenging issue in traffic management. One
- 1] Lamberts RJ, Thijs RD, Laffan A, Langan Y, Sander JW. Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy: people with nocturnal seizures may be at highest risk. Epilepsia 2012 53(2):253–7. [2] Zijlmans M, Flanagan D, Gotman J. Heart rate changes and ECG a
- 视频监控中人群状态分析及异常事件检测方法研究-Analysis and abnormal event detection method crowd video surveillance state
- abnormal detection of crowd to product the people in public places