- 基于3G_324M协议的可视电话终端软件设计 该文档提出了基于商用3G/324M协议栈的3G可视电话解决方案,该解决方案采用Windows Mobile操作系统,目标是实现基于 3GPP 3G-324M协议的3G手机可视电话应用。该方案具有良好的互操作性, 较低的成本,具有重要的现实和工程意义。 阅读前请先安装CAJViewer阅读器。 -Based 3G_324M protocol video phone terminal software design of the do
- 手机销售信息管理系统的设计与开发,从根本上解决整个商品销售流程中数据处理效率低,处理能力差等操作过程中表现出来的不足之处。方便对商品资料、销售业绩等进行高效的管理。使用该程序,管理层可以及时查询、管理商品,还可以对当前销售业绩进行一些统计,给出统计表格,以便全面掌握商品的销售情况。(一个完整的手机销售系统,内含说明文档,课程设计报告)-Mobile phone sales information management system design and development, a fundam
- The wireless freedom experienced by personal computer, handheld, consumer electronics and cell phone users is moving into the digital home and office. People want greater freedom and con- venience in connecting all types of devices. The
- Most intelligent hardware need to connect the WIFI, but if there is any screen and keyboard, so mobile phone became a mediation to connect. Here are three kinds of WIFI connection solution.