- 软件简介:HI-TECH PICC 是一款高效的C编译器,支持Microchip PICmicro 10/12/14/16/17系列控制器。是一款强劲的标准C编译器,完全遵守ISO/ANSI C,支持所有的数据类型包括24 and 32 bit IEEE 标准浮点类型。智能优化产生高质量的代码。属于第三方开发工具。能和MPLAB整合,内嵌开发环境(HI-TIDE)。 Hi-tech PICC Compiler v8.注册码 Serial: HCPIC-88888 First Na
- This pdf discusses Zonebased tuning for a PI controller and etc.
- optimal PI controller design and simulation of static var compensator using MATLAB s simulink
- A PI Type Fuzzy-neural Network Controller for Induction Motor Drives
- 直流电机PI控制器稳态误差分析,自动控制的简单应用。-PI controller, DC motor steady-state error analysis, the simple application of automatic control.
- 基于奈奎斯特稳定性分析的分散PI控制器设计 其中包括:列主对角占优定理、盖尔圆环定理、 对角优势系统的稳定性仅仅取决于其传递函数的主对角元素等等 -Nyquist stability analysis based on the decentralized PI controller design, including: the column diagonal dominance theorem, Gail circle theorem, diagonal dominant system, t
- This article presents particle swarm optimization (PSO)-based optimal gain tuning of proportional integral (PI) speed controller in an induction motor (IM) drive (30 hp) with mine hoist load diagram
- This paper deals with an innovating Shunt active filter with PI controller for harmonic elimination . Active filter provide a viable solution to mitigating harmonic issues caused by the non linear loads .The active filter compensates the reacti
- Abstract: In this paper the SIMULINK model of a PWM controlled DC-DC converter is modeled using switching function concept to control the speed of the DC motor. The presence of the voltage oscillation cycles due to higher switching frequency in
- Abstract: In this paper the SIMULINK model of a PWM controlled DC-DC converter is modeled using switching function concept to control the speed of the DC motor. The presence of the voltage oscillation cycles due to higher switching frequency in
- Abstract: In this paper the SIMULINK model of a PWM controlled DC-DC converter is modeled using switching function concept to control the speed of the DC motor. The presence of the voltage oscillation cycles due to higher switching frequency in
- Characterization of a plant, to design an analog PI controller
- Since the main component of a control scheme is the PI Controller, a model with an anti wind-up structure has been implemented in Simulink. The Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) block is based on a look-up table obtained from the wind turbine charac
- Focusing on the passive network, this paper analyzes the discrete mathematical model and its control strategy of the passive terminal of the VSC-HVDC system on the basis of the α-β frame of axes. The method of the functioning-fuzzy-subset inf
- 加入最大功率追蹤之太陽能並網市電模型,尚未加入日光變化之模塊,採用PI控制器-Adding the maximum power point tracking solar grid-electric model, is not yet the daylight change the module using a PI controller
- A hybrid fuzzy-PI controller for voltage source converter based HVDC (VSC-HVDC) transmission system is proposed in this paper. At first, the elementary model of VSCHVDC is described. Then the fuzzy self-tuning control strategy is proposed, in
- It s about the vector control of PMSM sensorless. The regulation is done with PI controller ,It s about the vector control of PMSM sensorless. The regulation is done with PI controller
- PI controller in VHDL descreption
- design a PI controller for our DC motor using the LabVIEW Control Design and Simulation module
pi fuzzy controller for active filter
- pi fuzzy controller for active filter