- An interactive MATLAB GUI platform for realizing the pattern of a narrowband beamformer with a random array. User can specify the array geometry, directions of incoming signals, noise power, and the type of beamformer. Useful for gaining ins
- 研究了一种改进型的最小方差波束形成器。它在波束主瓣以外的其他方向上, 对波束形成器的响应作定积分。要求波束形成器输出功率最小的同时也要求这个 积分值最小。-An improved minimum variance beamformer. It in the other directions outside the main lobe of the beam, the response of the beamformer definite integral. Minimum also re
- Joint Beamforming and Power Control for Relay BC channel with QoS constr TSP09
- 现有的向量加权稳健波束形成方法只有在指向误差较小的情况下才能有效估计目标的信号功率;矩阵加权波束形成方法在指向误差较大时,虽然可以估计目标的信号功率,但是它的系统实现复杂度与向量加权稳健波束形 成方法相比较大。针对以上问题,该文提出基于半正定秩松弛(SDR)方法的稳健波束形成,该方法优化模型中的目标函数与Capon 算法的目标函数相同,优化变量为加权向量的协方差矩阵,并约束方向图的主瓣幅度波动范围、旁瓣电平,协方差矩阵的秩为1。-The existing vector weighted ro
- In millimetre wave (mm-wave) communications, hybrid precoding is preferred which uses much less number of RF chains compared with the number of antenna elements. The conventional method selects the beamforming vectors at base station (BS) and t
power allocation in mimo ofdm systems
- power allocation for mimo ofdm using beamforming
List Of Papers
- Interference management in femtocell using beamforming and conventional Power control technique. Very Helpful.