- The present report outlines the design, implementation and performance of the application of Hough Transform (HT) to detect circles in arbitrary pictures. Detecting circles in arbitrary pictures involves a two step process in this project. First,
- 本设计应用性比较强,设计系统可以作为生物培养液温度监控系统,如果稍微改装可以做热水器温度调节系统、实验室温度监控系统等等。课题主要任务是完成环境温度检测,利用单片机实现温度调节并通过计算机实施温度监控。设计后的系统具有操作方便,控制灵活等优点。本设计系统包括温度传感器,A/D转换模块,输出控制模块,数据传输模块,温度显示模块和温度调节驱动电路六个部分。文中对每个部分功能、实现过程作了详细介绍。整个系统的核心是进行温度监控,完成了课题所有要求。-The design application of
- Software testing is more than just error detection Testing software is operating the software under controlled conditions, to (1) verify that it behaves “as specified” (2) to detect errors, and (3) to validate that what has been specified is what
- 入侵检测系统在训练过程中需要大量有标识的监督数据进行学习,不利于其应用和推广.为了解决该问题,提出了一种基于主成分分析的无监督异常检测方法,在最小均方误差原则下学习样本的主要特征,经过压缩和还原的互逆过程后能最大限度地复制样本信息,从而根据均方误差的差异检测出异常信息.构建的仿真系统经过实验证明,基于主成分分析的无监督异常检测方法能够在无需专家前期参与的情况下检测出入侵,实验结果验证了其有效性.-Intrusion Detection System in the training process
- 工业检测中经常使用到传感器,基恩士激光传感器的使用说明,方便您在调试过程中查询-Industry are often used to detect the sensor, Keyence laser sensor for use, allowing you to query in the debugging process
- 针对数据更新中常见的河流偏离山谷线这一空间不一致问题, 提出了一种基于矢量投影法的快速、准确 地提取山谷点的方法, 并利用提取出的山谷点来检查与其相关河流的空间关系的一致性 最后利用VB6. 0+ MO实 现了该方法, 并进行了大量的数据测试, 取得了较好的效果。-In order to detect the spatial con flicts that rivers dev iate from the va lleys in the process o f topog raph ic
- 研究了基于信息交互的多车协同问题,建立了交叉口多车协同冲突消解决策流程,使用 PreScan 软件搭建了多车协同仿真实验系统。-Based the information interactive multi-car collaborative problem, establish the intersection multi car collaborative conflict digestion decision-making process PreScan software co-simul
- 针对关节式物体检测的复杂性, 本文提出一种新颖的视觉推理方法。该方法基于可变形的物 体模型, 同时利用图像中所包含的边缘信息特征( 不依赖于局部特征, 如肤色等) 及各子部件的空间位置关 系, 迭代地进行关节式物体检测和定位估计。实验证明, 该方法有较强的抗背景干扰能力, 视觉上能大幅 度改进关节式物体检测、定位的结果-Aiming at the complex ity of art iculated object detect ion, this paper pro poses a
- AD241电路图重点说明:在AD421搭建的过程中如何检测AD421是否正常-AD241 circuit diagram highlights: In the process of how to build AD421 AD421 correctly detect
- 这是一个对铁路隧道限界检测的比较详细的论文,可以对铁路隧道检测的整个流程较清晰的了解和熟悉。-This is a gauge of the railway tunnel testing more detailed papers, railway tunnel can detect the entire process clearer understanding and familiarity.
- 对初学者来说,我们可以简单地理解为TCP协议是用来检测数据传输中的差错并进行流量控制的协议。TCP协议如果发现问题,就要发出重新传输的信号,直到所有数据能够安全传输到目的地,因此它起到一个信息传输过程中的控制作用。IP协议的最主要作用就是给网络中的每一台电脑分配一个唯一地址,否则别的电脑就找不到它。这就像我们日常活生中寄信要有地址,打电话要有电话号码一样。现在人们将Internet中使用的所有协议统称为TCP/IP协议。 -For starters, we can simply be und
- 麻省理工学院设计的基于笔记本电脑显示的小型探测雷达的设计方案,包括电路图,系统框图,元器件清单,制作过程,天线制作的流程介绍,很详细,适合雷达爱好者参考。-Massachusetts Institute of Technology designed to detect radar based on small laptop display design, including schematics, system block diagrams, parts lists, production pr
- A new method of video scene content characteristic detection is proposed. This method can be applied in conjunction with digital watermarking schemes in order to improve the transparency. In addition, new methods of video watermarking are also pr
- The flexible photovoltaic (PV) modules have the advantage of easily fitting on curved surfaces, but in that case their power–voltage characteristic exhibits localmaximum power points (MPPs) where the PV module power production is suboptimal.
- 基于ECG与PPG信号融合的血压检测方法研究,通过将两种进行融合处理,从而更加准确地进行血压的检测分析处理。-Blood Pressure ECG and PPG signal detection method based on fusion by the fusion of two treatment to more accurately detect blood pressure analysis process.
- 软件测试是一种实际输出与预期输出之间的审核或者比较过程。软件测试的经典定义是:在规定的条件下对程序进行操作,以发现程序错误,衡量软件质量,并对其是否能满足设计要求进行评估(Software testing is a process of verification or comparison between actual output and expected output. A classic definition of software testing is to operate a prog