- 摘 要:VB程序设计的教学可分为设计程序界面和编写程序代码两大部分,教学目标是学生能够利用VB语言设计简单、实用的可视化应用程序,培养学生的编程兴趣和编程能力,为今后学习其他课程打下良好的基础。我所带班级主要是5年制大专班的学生,从现状来看,这些学生存在着好、较好和一般三个层次。在教学过程中应把握住这三个层次,根据学生的心理特点和个别差异,进行分层教学,做到有的放矢,充分调动每个学生的学习积极性。 -Abstract : VB program design can be divided in
- This thorough, hands-on reference for database developers and administrators delivers expert guidance on sophisticated uses of Transact-SQL (T-SQL)¡ ª one of the most familiar and powerful programming languages for SQL Server. Written by a T
- Just what is a regular expression, anyway? Take the tutorial to get the long answer. The short answer is that a regular expression is a compact way of describing complex patterns in texts. You can use them to search for patterns and, once found
- 这是华为的编程规范和范例文档,希望能给大家带来帮助-This is Huawei s programming specifications documentation, and hope it can bring hope to you
- 编程珠玑第二版电子书包括其附带源代码。包括中文版和英文版。-programming pearls 2th edition including chinese and english edition, also the source code from this book.
- 第一章、Windows下堆栈溢出入门 第二章、Windows下ShellCode编写初步 第三章、后门的编写和ShellCode的提取 第四章 Windows下堆溢出利用编程 第五章 ShellCode变形编码* 第六章 ShellCode编写高级技术 第七章、漏洞的发现、分析和利用-The first chapter, Windows stack overflow entry under Chapter II, Windows under Chapter III of
- java初学者的导航 里面包括了java基础的各个方面 很全面 里面有Applet代码、GUI代码、IO流代码、java类库代码、wong程序实例、多线程代码、讲课PPT和网络编程代码等-beginners java navigation java which includes all aspects of the basis there is a comprehensive Applet code, GUI code, IO flow code, java class library co
- C-W节约算法是最经典的求解车辆路径问题的启发式算法。-The Clarke and Wright(1964) savings algorithm is perhaps the most widely known heuristic for the VRP.
- 如果你可以编写出合格的代码,但是想更进一步、创作出组织良好而且易于理解的代码,并希望成为一名真正的编程专家或提高现有的职业技能,那么《编程匠艺——编写卓越的代码》都会为你给出答案。本书的内容遍及编程的各个要素,如代码风格、变量命名、错误处理和安全性等。此外,本书还对一些更广泛的编程问题进行了探讨,如有效的团队合作、开发过程和文档编写,-Many programmers know how to write correct code- code that works. But not all kno
- epg中文说明,介绍了EPG的规范和数据结构以及代码编程注意事项等-EPG Chinese descr iption of the EPG data of the norms and structures, as well as attention to matters such as programming code
- Written by Microsoft software legend Juval Lowy, Programming WCF Services is the authoritative introduction to Microsoft s new, and some say revolutionary, unified platform for developing service-oriented applications [SOA] on Windows. Relentlessly p
- 通用的ASCII码对照表,做底层编程的都用得着的-Generic ASCII code table, so the bottom of the programming are useful
- 《MFC Windows程序设计》是经典的编程书籍,在Windows环境下,是程序员编写出完美的实用代码。-" MFC Windows Programming" is a classic programming books, in the Windows environment, is a programmer to write code for the perfect practical.
- 对于编码不够规范的读者有很好的作用,让编程爱好者对代码有更好的编程风范-For coding is not standard readers have very good effect, let lovers of programming code is better to the programming model
- VC图书清单数据库编程开发设计代码VC book list database development and design of programming code -VC book list database development and design of programming code
- w83627dhg芯片的编程操作,里面包含相关编程代码,控制IO等接口程序-W83627dhg chip programming operation, which contains the related programming code, control IO interface program
- This consists VHDL programming Code Compilation & Simulation using Mentor Graphics QuestaSim
- 本规范说明:1.本规范主要引用某公司的《c语言编程规范》,资料来自网上,稍加修改;-This specification: 1 this specification mainly refers to a company s C language programming code, data the Internet, a little modification
- vb编程键盘代码大全,可以方便查询键盘代码,进行编程-Vb programming code, keyboard can convenient query code and programming
The Go Programming Language.pdf
- Go语言是谷歌推出的一种全新的C语言风格的编程语言,可以在不损失应用程序性能的情况下降低代码的复杂性,提高编程效率,适合开发大型软件,有望成为主流的编程语言。本书由《C程序设计语言》的作者Kernighan和谷歌公司Go团队合作编写而成,是关于Go语言编程的权威著作。(Go language is a new C language style programming language launched by Google. It can reduce the complexity of code