- tError Con trol Approach of Random L inear Network Coding.A im ing at random linear netwo rk coding, th is paper p ropo ses an er ro r cont ro l method w h ich combines po int2 po int check ing er ro r and end2 end ret ransm ission . By vir tue of
- This paper introduces a message forwarding algorithm for search applications within mobile ad hoc networks that is based on the concept of selecting the nearest node from a set of designated nodes. The algorithm, which is called Minimum Distance P
- 本装置是由多个探测节点和一个监测终端构成的无线环境监测系统。探测节点具备对温度、湿度和光照等环境信息的采集、处理和数据收发等功能,其主控芯片采用超低功耗MSP430单片机。监测终端可向探测节点发送指令,接收节点数据并具备数据显示和打印功能。探测节点与监测终端直接通信距离达30cm,节点具备自动转发功能,增加了终端与节点的探测距离。系统设计了基于洪泛的路由机制和基于随机退避的MAC机制,各节点与终端具备了简单的自治组网能力。-This device is a DuoGe detecting nod
- Cluster Head Selection in WSN based on Coverage preserving and Energy Eciency Cluster-heads are generally chosen either in a random manner or mainly based on nodes residual energy. Accordingly, there is no guarantee that network coverage is
- The cluster head is selected by the random number generated by nodes in the hierarchical routing protocol which is implementing Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH). As a result, the cluster head may be chosen randomly and be
- Mobile Ad-Hoc network is a collection of mobile nodes in communication without using infrastructure. De-spite the importance of type of the exchanged data between the knots on the QoS of the MANETs, the mul-tiservice data were not treated by the larg
- Establishing Pairwise Keys in Distributed Sensor Networks DONGGANG LIU, PENG NING and RONGFANG LI North Carolina State University Pairwise key establishment is a fundamental security service in sensor networks it enables sensor nodes to com
- 定位技术是无线传感器网络中关键的基础支撑技术, 目前提出了许多静态网络的节点定位算 法, 移动无线传感器网络的定位研究相对较少. 针对定位节点和参考节点随机运动的网络模型, 提出了 一个基于动态网格划分的蒙特卡罗定位算法. 算法中当接收的参考节点数超过一定阈值时使用最远距 离节点选择模型, 选出部分参考节点参与定位和信息转发, 节约能耗. 接着基于选择的或所有接收的参 考节点构建采样区域, 进行网格划分, 使用网格单元数计算最大采样次数, 在采样区域内采样并使用误 差补偿的运
- 程序产生N个随机的整数,存放在数组a中。然后根据数组a建立线性链表, 再删除链表中所有重复元素,并输出无重复元素结点的链表结点的值 -Program generates a random integer N, stored in the array a. Then establish a linear list of the array,     Then delete all duplicate elements in the list, and output
- Universal Approximation Using Incremental Constructive Feedforward Networks With Random Hidden Nodes
- Abstract—In this paper we propose the channel assignment scheme for multi-channel wireless mesh network (WMN), where each mesh router is equipped with multiple radio interfaces. In real WMN the number of radio interfaces is much higher than t
- 在线序列极限学习机OS-ELM算法的基本原理及其改进算法- In this paper, we propose a Constructive Enhancement for OS-ELM (CEOS-ELM), which can add random hidden nodes one-by-one or group-by-group with fixed or varying group size.