- 3D reconstruction, medical image processing from colons, using intel image processing for based class. This source code. Some code missing but I think you can understand it. Development version. This source code is very interesting for learning segme
- 利用射线追踪技术仿真mimo系统,内涵c ++和matlab代码-This project explores the development of a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) simulator using ray tracing techniques.
- 数字影像重建在基于灰度的2D/3D医学图像配准技术中具有重要作用。它是利用基于射线追踪算法从三维数据如CT中获得二维虚拟x线图像。影像重建结果的质量直接影响到配准结果的精度。本文对数字影像重建技术作了一定的探讨,实现了对cT体数据的数字影像重建,并通过增强技术获得了突出骨组织的图像,为后续的配准研究做了很好的准备工作。-Digital image reconstruction in intensity based 2D/3D medical image registration techniqu
- GPU的光线追踪加速结构研究,硕士论文,英文-A Comparison of Acceleration Structures for GPU Assisted Ray Tracing
- 为光线追踪自动创建对象层次 Ray tracing is automatically created for the object hierarchy-Ray tracing is automatically created for the object hierarchy
- On building fast kd-Trees for Ray Tracing, and on doing that in O(N log N)
- 搜集的关于光线跟踪的文章,可以参考一下!-Collection of articles on ray tracing for reference!
- 一种高效的室内射线跟踪方法的改进,射线追踪接收点读取。-trace raceing receiving and reading,Efficient Ray-Tracing Acceleration Techniques for Radio Propagation Modeling
- Calculation of the path loss is usually called prediction. Exact prediction is possible only for simpler cases, such as the free space propagation or the flatearth model, which is called deterministic methods. They based on the physical laws of
- The Combination Algorithm for Total Optimisation (CAT) is proposed to support smooth upgrading of third generation systems and to fulfil the requirements of current cellular networks. The CAT algorithm solves the problem of base-station locat
- Ray Casting visible surfaces of objects are found by throwing (or casting) rays of light from the viewer into the scene Ray Tracing Extension to Ray casting Recursively cast rays from the points of intersection
- 计算机图形学的课程设计报告+应用程序,可以运行很完整,光线追踪-Computer graphics curriculum design report the+ application, you can run is complete, and ray tracing
- Ray tracing is a widely applicable technique for modeling the propagation of light through an optical system. The modeling of light propagation via ray tracing is commonly called geometrical optics
- Lsr2d 射线最终算法,利用了Lsr算法,实现2为计算-Lsr2d ray tracing
- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- ca.linkedin.com/pub/bilal-wehbe/63/397/294/fr Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada - Ingénieur en Télécommunications, M.Sc.A. Langages de programmation: C, C + +, Java, VB.net, assembleur et Matlab. ... Ray tracing, Propagation radio), ADS
- 对网格法射线追踪进行了研究,并讨论了应用-Grid ray tracing method was studied and discussed the application