- This unofficial Vega Prime FAQ Part 1 ( 1 thru 50) is provided by Gordon Tomlinson, I hope you find the information contained with these FAQ's useful and helpful Vega Prime is MultiGen-Paradigm's new premier software environment for the creation, dev
- 利用OpenGL三维图形实时交互技术,在VC++中编程,实现了不同输入条件下的导弹自由段飞行弹道与飞行姿态仿真,包括导弹建模、以及由云彩绘制和流动效果组成的云彩的建模。-Use OpenGL real-time interactive three-dimensional graphics technology, VC++ In programming, to achieve a different input under the conditions of the free flights of
- 嫦娥一号卫星是中国首颗月球卫星。卫星制导、 导航与控制 (GNC)任务复杂多变 ,对系统实时性、 可靠性和精度要求较高。文章介绍嫦娥一号卫星GNC系统组成、 控制方法、 系统特点和典型飞行结果。-Chang' e One satellite is China' s first lunar satellite. Satellite guidance, navigation and control (GNC) the task is complex and changeable, the
- 主要介绍PMAC在一个实际的飞行模拟转台控制系统中的应用方法。内含部分VC源代码,可供程序员参考。-Introduces the PMAC in a real flight simulation turntable control system should be applied. Containing part of the VC source code available for programmer' s reference.
- 基于RTW和VxWorks的飞行控制系统实时仿真-Based on RTW and VxWorks real-time simulation of flight control system
- 采用Creator 和Vega 平台以及Simulink仿真开发工具对空面导弹的飞行视景仿真技术进行了研究。提出了一种空面导弹飞行视景仿真系统的体系构架,利用获取的DED真实地形数据,通过Creator建立大地形三维模型;借助VC/MFC开发平台,实现了Simulink数字仿真系统与视景仿真的通信;在Vega中实现视景仿真系统的软件开发调试。仿真结果表明,该系统能够为空面武器系统研制阶段的参数优化和效能评估提供有效的验证平台。-Creator and Vega used Simulink sim
- This paper presents an adaptive information fusion method to improve the accuracy and reliability of the altitude measurement information for small unmanned aerial rotorcraft during the landing process. Focusing on the low measurement performance
- 一篇关于光流传感器的论文,光流传感器广泛应用于微型西轴飞行器的室内定位-Robust velocity and position estimation at high update rates is crucial for mobile robot navigation. In recent years optical flow sensors based on computer mouse hardware chips have been shown to perform well