- Head Rotation Estimation Algorithm for Hand-Free Computer Interaction by Rafał Kozik-In the article robust method of hands-free interaction with computer is proposed and tested. There are showed the results of algorithms based on optical flow and
- 在解决正面直立人脸检测的基础上,本章进一步研究解决图像平面内任意旋转的正面人脸的检测问题。-On the basis of solving the front upright face detection, this chapter for further research to solve the detection problem frontal arbitrary rotation of the image plane of the face.
- This study proposes a novel near infrared face recognition algorithm based on a combination of both local and global features. In this method local features are extracted from partitioned images by means of undecimated discrete wavelet transform
- 一种新的尺度旋转不变特征,可以用于人脸识别或者图像匹配等领域-A new kind of scale and rotation invariant features, can be used for face recognition or image matching field
- 本文对于R.Y.wong提出的用于图像匹配的不变矩法进行了分析,给出了在离徽情况下平移和旋转不变性的理论证 明.同时指出比例因子的不变性在离散情况下是不成立的.最后DPSS/52计算机系统上采用四幅不同图像进行了计算机仿X 实脸,取得了与理论分析一致的结果-This article proposes to RYwong moment invariants method for image matching carried out by analyzing the situation in vit
- 主方向旋转LBP特征的平面旋转人脸检测,一篇很好的论文,希望大家下载-The main direction of the rotation of the LBP features of the plane rotating face detection