- 利用四缸火花点火发动机模型,实践基于dSPACE 实时仿真系统的具体实验方法, 判断控制器模型的优劣。其中包括基于MATLAB/Simulink 的闭环离线仿真实验, 创建ControlDesk 试验界面,完成应用程序的编译、连接,代码的生成及下载,调整PI 参数进行实时仿真实验。-The use of four-cylinder spark ignition engine model, and practice the system based on dSPACE real-time si
- optimal PI controller design and simulation of static var compensator using MATLAB s simulink
- Abstract: In this paper the SIMULINK model of a PWM controlled DC-DC converter is modeled using switching function concept to control the speed of the DC motor. The presence of the voltage oscillation cycles due to higher switching frequency in
- Abstract: In this paper the SIMULINK model of a PWM controlled DC-DC converter is modeled using switching function concept to control the speed of the DC motor. The presence of the voltage oscillation cycles due to higher switching frequency in
- Abstract: In this paper the SIMULINK model of a PWM controlled DC-DC converter is modeled using switching function concept to control the speed of the DC motor. The presence of the voltage oscillation cycles due to higher switching frequency in
- Since the main component of a control scheme is the PI Controller, a model with an anti wind-up structure has been implemented in Simulink. The Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) block is based on a look-up table obtained from the wind turbine charac
- 在分析无刷直流电机(BLDC)数学模型的基础上,提出了无刷直流电机系统仿真建模的新方法.在Matlab/Simulink中,建立独立的功能模块,如BLDC本体模块、电流滞环控制模块、速度控制模块等,再进行功能模块的有机整合,搭建无刷直流电机系统的仿真模型.为保证仿真快速性和有效性,模型采用分段线性法生成梯形波反电动势,系统采用双闭环控制:速度环采用PI控制,电流环采用滞环电流控制.仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性,同时也适用于验证其他控制算法的合理性,为实际电机控制系统的设计和调试提供了新的思路.-
- 首先,介绍了交流调速及其相关技术的发展现状和发展趋势,以及交流调速系统的主要控制策略。选用工业变频器用异步电机作为研究对象,利用坐标变换理论,分析了异步电机在三相静止坐标系、两相静止与旋转坐标下的电机基本数学模型及其矢量控制原理。利用转子磁场定向的矢量控制技术,实现了异步电机定子电流的转矩分量和励磁分量的解耦。分析了空间矢量脉宽调制算法以及实现方法,最后设计了异步电机的双闭环矢量控制系统。 然后,利用Matlab/Simulink搭建了异步电机数学模型,建立了基于电压空间矢量脉宽调制的异步电
- Control strategies for extracting the three-phase reference currents for shunt active power filters are compared, uating their performance under different source conditions with PI and Fuzzy Controllers in MATLAB/Simulink environment When the supply
- simulink PI MODEL line with copmencator capacitor in matlab simulink PI MODEL line with copmencator capacitor in matlab simulink PI MODEL line PI MODEL with copmencator capacitor in matlab simulink PI MODEL line with copmencator capacitor in matlab s