- 专业知识你懂多少? 例如:3DS或3D Studio 3DS或3D Studio: Three Dimension Studio,三维摄影室。是美国Autodesk公司推出的一套多功能三维动画软件,集实体造型、静态着色和动画创作于一体,极大地普及了三维造型技术。它能够与AutoCAD进行图形信息交换,利用扫描仪输入图形,通过VGA与电视转换接口将动画输出至电视或录像带。 -How much expertise do you understand? For example: 3D
- solid bolt modeling in ansys
- 本书提供易上手的UML的经验。通过对本书的学习,您可以学会如何使用UML来建立任何系统开发项目的模型,并了解UML模型。本书无疑是未来的系统开发书籍的基础。通过了解面向对象,用例,继承,关联,和在工作中利用UML的图、模型,可以为您的工作和学习提供很大的帮助。\最后,这本书提供了坚实的技能,让您掌握一个基于UML的建模工具。-Sams Teach Yourself UML in 24 Hours provides hands-on UML experience. Learn to use UML
- his text combines the fundamentals of electromagnetics with numerical modeling to tackle a broad range of current electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems, including problems with lightning, transmission lines, and grounding systems. It sets fort
- Solid-shell elements form a class of fi nite element models intermediate between thin shell and conven- tional solid elements. They have the same node and freedomconfi guration of solid elements but account for shell-like behavior in th
- Solid-shell elements form a class of fi nite element models intermediate between thin shell and conven- tional solid elements. They have the same node and freedomconfi guration of solid elements but account for shell-like behavior in th
- Solid-shell elements form a class of fi nite element models intermediate between thin shell and conven- tional solid elements. They have the same node and freedomconfi guration of solid elements but account for shell-like behavior in th
- 以一个复杂曲面零件模型为例,论述了UG CAD/CAM 系统在数控加工中的应用过程:利用UG 的建模模块对 其进行曲面造型设计,并根据该零件结构特点进行工艺分析,使用UG 的CAM 加工模块设置加工参数实现自动编程, 由程序后处理自动生成NC 代码,最后将NC 代码导入数控机床加工出实体零件,从而达到缩短编程时间,提高工作效 率和编程质量的目的,有效地保证了零件的加工精度-A model of a complex surface parts, for example, discuss