- ST7787 芯片的SPEC,比亚迪2.4inchLCM的SPEC。The ST7787 is a single-chip controller/driver for 262K-color, graphic type TFT-LCD. It consists of 720 source line and 320 gate line driving circuits. This chip is capable of connecting directly to an external micr
- s77529.pdf The ST7529 is a driver & controller LSI for 32 gray scale graphic dot-matrix liquid crystal display systems. It generates 255 Segment and 160 Common driver circuits. This chip is connected directly to a microprocessor, accepts Serial P
- High performance 32-bit/40-bit floating-point processor Code compatibility—at assembly level, uses the same instruction set as other SHARC DSPs Single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) computational architecture— two 32-bit IEEE floating-point
- 单片机数据传输接口技术研究,是一篇毕业论文,1 引言 2 单片机数据传输接口概述 2.1 单片机并行数据接口 2.2 单片机串行数据接口 2.3 串行数据接口扩展 3 I2C总线接口 3.1 I2C总线协议 3.2 I2C总线接口(协议)的软件模拟 3.3 实例---- I2C总线接口8位模数/数模转换器PCF8591 4 SPI串行总线接口 4.1 SPI串行总线协议 4.2 SPI串行总线器件 4.3 实例----SPI接口
- Profichip’s VPC3+S is a communication chip with 8-Bit parallel processor interface for intelligent PROFIBUS DP-Slave applications. Alternatively an SPI or I 2 C interface can be used to communicate with the chip.
- The DataSheet about CH374 USB-HOST&DEVICE interface chip,supports USB-HOST and USB-DEVICE,supports USB full-speed 12M and low-speed 1.5M,8-bit parallel interface or SPI UART
- 英国FTDI公司二月发布了高级先进的图形控制器设备FT800, 在单个芯片上集成了显示器,音频和触摸。FT800让您的人机界面(HMI)突显:最低成本,最炫效果,最易开发。 以下是超炫Demo(AVR-mega328 (8MHZ Clock) + FT800+WQVG(480*272) TFT) http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2084212109/gameduino-2-this-time-its-personal -FTDI Chip is