- 状态机得用法,可以帮助新手了解状态机得用法以及掌握用途-state machine in use, and can help newcomers understand the state machine in use, and control purposes
- user mannual for state machine
- 此模块用 VHDL 硬件描述语言来实现,对键盘设计的实际操作检验表明,此模块响应迅速、识别准确,较好地实现了键盘扫描和去抖动功能, 达到了预期的设计目的。同时,将状态机、扫描线、计数器等相关参数稍作改动,就可以扩展到实现不同键盘矩阵的设计-VHDL hardware descr iption language to achieve the keyboard design of the actual operation of testing show that This module in res
- 这个是我新编译的程序代码,主要是实现状态机的采样功能-this is my translation of the new code, the main state machine is the sampling function
- 可爱的 Python:使用状态机 Python 中的算法和编程方法 -lovely Python : Python use of the state machine of algorithms and programming method
- 基才VHDL状态机设计的智能交通控制灯 设计 有需要的可以看一下-only VHDL-based state machine design and intelligent traffic control lights need to design can look at the
- Practical UML statecharts in C/C++, Second Edition:Event-Driven Programming for Embedded Systems 介绍UML与状态机在嵌入式系统的应用...e文..第2版 压缩包内含书中程序代码与工具tool&code.zip,Practical UML statecharts in C/C , Second Edition: Event-Driven Programming for Embedded
- synopsis的有限状态机编码方法的文档。 针对synopsis的综合环境,根据其综合工具的特点说明安全可靠、速度适合的FSM编码风格。 FSM coding style under synopsis. Used for verilog or vhdl designer. Good study data for ASIC newhand.-synopsis of the finite state machine coding documents. Synopsis for the in
- 利用有限状态机实现FTP 文件传输,不错,可以看看,研究一下-The use of finite state machine realization of FTP file transfer, yes, you can look at and study the
- 计数器74161功能测试电路状态机程序。该程序是功能测试电路的核心。-Counter 74161 functional test circuit state machine procedures. The program is the core of functional test circuit.
- 笔记有关quantum hierarchical state machine的学习内容 共分成三个部分 1.hierarchical state machine 2.Quantum FrameWork 3.Implement 参考书目 Practical statecharts in C/C++ Quantum Programmming for Embedded Systems Miro Samek, Ph.D.-Notes on quantum hiera
- 状态机程序设计,学习协议的制订;掌握状态机程序设计方法;在232通信接口的基础上如何实现链路层功能,实现一个简化的SDLC协议。-state machine programming, learning agreement developed master state machine programming method in 232 communication interface, based on how link layer functions, to achieve a simplif
- 介绍labvIEW中状态机的设计及应用,同过状态图得到labvIEW程序。-The state machine in labvIEW design and application, with the state diagram of labvIEW program.
- 状态机使用方法及讲解,加强对状态机的熟悉程度,灵活运用这一有用的机制-Use of the state machine and explain, to enhance the degree of familiarity with the state machine, flexibility in the use of this useful mechanism
- 本文的重点就在于,怎样利用状态机原理进行程序设计。本文会先给出普通 的、一个平面上的FSM(有限状态机)的概念和实例,并指出其中的一些缺点, 然后引出本文的重点HSM(层次状态机)的概念和设计方法。为了使本文既可以 作为设计方法的参考,又可以作为实现方法的参考,本文会给出FSM和HSM的 C语言实现-The focus of this article is that, and how to make use of the principle of the state machin
- 描述一种新型的状态机模块(uHsm)实现方法,更好地实现了状态机-Describes a new state machine module (uHsm) method, to better achieve a state machine
- 状态机在51单片机得实现,详细介绍了状态机原理,然后在51上的应用。-The state machine was realized in MCS-51, described in detail the principles of the state machine, and then 51.
- 简单地说,状态机又称之为有限状态机, 状态机系统有 N 个(有限个)状态,任一时刻,系统都工作于其中的一个状态,当有输入 (激励)时,系统执行某些动作,并切换到下一状态-Said state machine is also known as a finite state machine, the state machine system there are N (a finite number of) state at any one time, the system works in
- 用状态机原理进行软件设计,最近收集的关于状态机编程的资料,里面包括基于状态机的按键驱动和菜单界面开发-The state machine software design principles, recently collected the information about the state machine programming, which includes a state machine-based and menu driven interface development key
- 描述一种新型的状态机模块(uHsm)实现方法,更好地实现了状态机,并且从综合折中考察, 具有相当的比较优势。主要的优势是逻辑严密、性能高效、对状态图的运作最接近状态图理 论的理想概念,因而需要特别处理(因此也就特别容易产生偏差)的逻辑点少,特别适合运行 稳定性高、资源不丰富的嵌入式环境。-Describes a new state machine module (uHsm) method, the state machine to achieve a better and compr