- 本教程的目在于给出步进式的使用指导,并且提供一个使用Rational Rose UML CASE 工具创建完整的UML模型的范例。本教程是为那些想高效地使用和评估Rational Rose工具(而不是其他UML CASE 工具)的新用户准备的。-the purpose of the handbook is to use the Step-by-step guide, and to provide a use Rational Rose UML CASE tools to create a com
- 如何理解c和c ++的复杂类型声明。 曾经碰到过让你迷惑不解、类似于int * (* (*fp1) (int) ) [10] 这样的变量 声明吗?本文将由易到难,一步一步教会你如何理解这种复杂的C/C++声明。-how to understand the c and c complex type declaration. Had encountered let you puzzled, similar to the int * (* (* fp1) (int)) [10] variab
- 本文较为详细的介绍了将Linux移植到S3C2410平台的过程,十分适合于使用ARM9+Linux开发的初学者阅读。如果可以紧跟本文档中介绍的开发步骤,按部就班的进行实验,相信可以很快的了解嵌入式Linux的移植以及之上驱动程序的编写。-paper detailed introduction to the Linux platform S3C2410 transplant process, very suitable for use ARM9 Linux beginners to read. I
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- 一步 叫你如何使用ATL的连接点进行进程外组件设计-tells you step by step how to use ATL for the link between the process of component design
- c#\\Microsoft.Press.Microsoft.Visual.C.Sharp.2005.Step.by.Step.Oct.2005.chm-c # \\ Microsoft.Press.Microsoft.Visual. C.Sharp.2005.Step.by.Step.Oct.2005.chm
- 很好的一篇学习vc++的笔记,适合于新手,从windows编程开始,到mfc,一步一步,深入潜出-a good learning vc + + notebook suitable for novice from the windows programming, to mfc, step by step, in-depth submarine out
- 建模对每一位软件开发人员都不陌生。Rational ROSE建模工具的出现,使程序员从手工建模的工作中解脱出来,并使大型开发项目的分析,建模、设计更加规范化。我们曾经通过《ROSE 技术白皮书》对Rose的可视化建模有了了解,从今天开始,我们将循序渐进地指导您如何应用Roe工具完成建模。同时,我们还将提供一个使用Rational Rose UML CASE 工具创建完整的UML模型的范例-modeling for every one software developer is familiar
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- for total beginner to learn Eclipse and Java ,step by step teach you how to develop java pragams under eclipse IDE
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- NOIS2 step by step for Linux
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- Project Management Step by Step is the proven, practical guide to running a highly successful project, one step at a time. It breaks down the management of the project into easy stages that will ensure you cover everything, at the right time, to brin
- 教你一步一步使用ADS1.2开发ARM,通过本教程,读者可以初步了解ADS的使用过程-Teach you step-by-step ADS1.2 development ARM
- 介绍人工生命技术及相关研究的国内外发展现状,以及人工生命研究的技术细节-Step by step, the components of an artificial form of cellular life are being assembled by researchers. Lipid vesicles the size of small bacteria can be prepared and under certain conditions are able to grow
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- Struts步步进阶,第一课,你的第一个Struts应用程序。第二课,在数据库中输入员工信息,包括员工的姓名,年龄,和部门。第三课,员工信息的插入和更新的业务需求。第四课,Struts和iBATIS。 -Struts advanced step by step, the first lesson, your first Struts application. The second lesson, enter employee information in the database, incl
- 作者一步一步带领你打造一个嵌入式操作系统,帮助读者学习操作系统的基本概念。-Authors lead you step by step to build an embedded operating system, to help readers learn the basic concepts of operating systems.
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