- 这是李开复唯一的一本自传,字里行间,是岁月流逝中沉淀下来的宝贵的人生智慧和职场经验。捣蛋的“小皇帝”,11岁的“留学生”,奥巴马的大学同学,26岁的副教授,33岁的苹果副总裁,谷歌中国的创始人,他有着太多传奇的经历,为了他,两家最大的IT公司对簿公堂。而他的每一次人生选择,都是一次成功的自我超越。-Kai-fu Lee is only an autobiography, between the lines, is the passage of time settling down in the
- 这是李开复唯一的一本自传,字里行间,是岁月流逝中沉淀下来的宝贵的人生智慧和职场经验。-Kai-fu Lee this is only an autobiography, between the lines, is the passage of time in settling down valuable life experience, wisdom and the workplace.
- 李艾柯卡自传,伟大的汽车巨子,天才的商业任务。-Lee Iacocca autobiography, the great automobile giant, a genius of business tasks.
- 一本介绍杰克.韦尔奇的自传书。介绍了公司如何管理。一本非常好的管理类书。-Jack an introduction. Welch' s autobiography book. How to introduce the company' s management. A very good book management.
- 《生命的不可思议》一书是胡因梦历经半生的探索与跌跌撞撞,亲笔撰写的自传。她以观照的言语,赤裸裸地掀开了自我成长的历程。随着书中细密、点滴的叙述,会发现作者很深刻且很有勇气的正视自己,是一部检视自我,呈现人性丰富内在的“心灵地图”。-" The incredible life," the book is half a lifetime after Hu dream exploration and staggering along, hand written autobiograp
- 世界因你不同 李开复自传 很好的一本书-Of the world because of your different Kai-fu Lee Autobiography
- 伟大的美国开国元勋,富兰克林的自传,被认为美国的精神领袖,200年后的我们仍然可以学习他的那种自制和勤奋-Great American founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin' s autobiography, is considered the spiritual leader of the United States, 200 years later, we can still learn from his house and hard work tha
- 李开复自传:《世界因你而不同》全集 李开复告别谷歌全心创业,离职彰显谷歌中国困境。-Kai-fu Lee autobiography: " different because of you" The Complete Works of Kai-fu Lee bid farewell to dedicated business Google, Google China highlight the plight of separation.
- 《从前有一个笨小孩》,是台湾作家吴若权的自传。-" There was a Ben Xiaohai," Wu of Taiwan, if the right writer' s autobiography.
- 这个是史蒂夫乔布斯先生的自传,应该有多人会对这位传奇热舞感兴趣的。-This is the autobiography of Mr. Steve Jobs, should be more than would be the legendary dance of interest.
- Linus的自传,讲述Linus的故事与Linux开发时的设计哲学与思想-Linus' s autobiography, about the design philosophy and ideas Linus story and Linux developers
- 在书中他回顾了他的一生,但从他的童年故事开始他就在利用书的任何一个部分向读者介绍他的管理思想和经验。在书的结尾提出了作为CEO的20多条经验总结,这些都是心血的凝结.....《杰克·韦尔奇自传》是韦尔奇退休前的最后一个大动作。-In the book, he reviewed his whole life, but the story of his childhood he was in the use of any part of the book to introduce to the r
- 《我是沃兹》是苹果计算机是设计天才的唯一自传,对IT人员非常有激励作用- I am ward is apple computer is the only autobiography design talent, to the IT staff incentive is so
- 一个电子工程师在大学期间对电子的热爱以及在毕业后如何在电子行业中生存。是一个可以激励人斗志的个人自传-An electronic engineer for electronic love and how to survive in the electronics industry in college after graduation. Can motivate people to fight a personal autobiography