- 电路由CD4069六反相器和74LS30八输入一输出与非门,可控硅电路组成的六路断路,二路闭路多路报警器,-Circuit from CD4069 six inverter and a 74LS30 eight input-output and doors, SCR circuit composed of six road traffic, two-way closed-circuit multi-channel alarm,
- zigbee初级培训资料,讲述了:什么是zigbee;短程无线网络标准;zigbee与IEEE 802.15.4;zigbee的协议栈;频带和数据传输率、信道;zigbee的拓扑结构和网络设备类型;zigbee的应用案例简介(包括:结合GPRS的传输网络、油田油井遥测、石油石化应用、管道监测、远程抄表、水文水利、交通控制、医疗设备、点餐系统等)-zigbee initial training information about: What is zigbee short-range wirel
- IS-95的源代码,用于实现反向业务信道的端到端的仿真,是在电子系时的一次作业,与大家分享-IS-95 source code used to implement end-to-end simulation of the reverse traffic channel, a job in the Department of Electronics, to share with you
- 文章“CDMA2000反向业务信道的MATLAB仿真与实现”-MATLAB Simulation and Implementation of the the CDMA2000 reverse traffic channel
- 本书第一部分讲述的是传统的网络接口N e t B I O S、重定向器以及通过重定向器进行的各类网络通信。尽管本书大部分内容均围绕Wi n s o c k编程这一主题展开,但是,A P I比起Wi n s o c k 来,仍然具有某些独到之处。其中,第1章探讨的是N e t B I O S接口,它和Wi n s o c k类似,也是 一种与协议无关的网络A P I。N e t B I O S提供了异步调用,同时兼容于较老的操作系统,如O S / 2 和D O S等等。第2章讨论了重定
- The ever growing traffic explosion in mobile communications has recently drawn increased attention to the large amount of underutilized spectrum in the millimeter-wave frequency bands as a potentially viable solution for achieving tens to h