- 1.Ultra-wideband interference mitigation using cross-layer cognitive radio 2.Time-varying interference spectral analysis for Cognitive UWB networks 3.Cosine Modulated Filterbank Technique for Cognitive UWB 4.Coexistence Issues in Cognitive R
- 本论文从TH-UWB的信号结构特点出发,分析了TH-UWB系统多址干扰与 CDMA系统多址干扰的不同特点,提出了多个低复杂度的多用户检测器。-In this paper, from the TH-UWB signal structure characteristics of an analysis of TH-UWB system with multiple access interference CDMA systems multiple access interference of
- 分析了在超宽带通信系统中的扩频干扰,并用两种通用的调制技术实现了对提出的抗干扰方法的仿真-he ultra wideband (UWB) interference to direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) receiver is analyzed. Two popular UWB modulation schemes, the time hopping pulse position modulat
- Effects of MB-OFDM System Interference on the Performance of DS-UWB
- Performance of BICM–OFDM Systems in UWB Interference
- Review of current short/medium range wireless standards and expected challenges for future systems • Introduction to Ultra-wideband (UWB) Technology – What is it? – Possible benefits and challenges • Performance example of M-PAM a
- Ultra Wide Band (UWB) is a technology for the transmission of data using techniques which cause a spreading of the radio energy over a very wide frequency band, with a very low power spectral density. The low power spectral density limits the interfe
- UWB-Notched Antenna For Nearby WiMAX Systems Interference Immunity