- Left-wall following robot for atmega MCU and motor driver chip
- In this thesis the development of an autonomous wall-following robot is presented. The wall following controller is a two input, two output system. The inputs are two proximity measurements to the wall, and the outputs are the speeds of the two r
- HOW TO WRITE A SUCCESSFUL SCIENTIFIC THESIS In this thesis the development of an autonomous wall-following robot is presented. The wall following controller is a two input, two output system. The inputs are two proximity measurements to the wal
- The doggie found a bone in an ancient maze, which fascinated him a lot. However, when he picked it up, the maze began to shake, and the doggie could feel the ground sinking. He realized that the bone was a trap, and he tried desperately to get out of
- ros环境下,进行沿墙导航,利用相关的知识,希望采纳。。。(use ros to finish the task of following the wall side)