- 近来随着计算机的快速发展,各种棋类游戏被纷纷请进了电脑,使得那些喜爱下棋,又常常苦于没有对手的棋迷们能随时过足棋瘾。而且这类软件个个水平颇高,大有与人脑分庭抗礼之势。其中战胜过国际象棋世界冠军-卡斯帕罗夫的“深蓝”便是最具说服力的代表;其它像围棋的“手淡”、象棋的“将族”等也以其优秀的人工智能深受棋迷喜爱;而我们今天将向大家介绍的是五子棋的算法。 当我们与电脑对战时,您知道这些软件是怎样象人脑一样进行思考的吗?前不久我曾编写过一个五子棋的游戏,在这里就以此为例和大家一起探讨探讨。
- DIGITAL GAME!一个拔河比赛,有意思!很好!-DIGITAL naGames! A tug-of-war competitions, interesting! Good!
- 论文标题:自适应模糊系统在手写体数字识别中的应用研究 作者:张镭 作者专业:计算机软件人工智能 导师姓名:黄战 授予学位:硕士 授予单位:暨南大学 授予学位时间:19990501 论文页数:59页 文摘语种:中文文摘 分类号:TP18 TP391.4 关键词:手写体数字 自适应 模糊逻辑 神经网络 模式识别 摘要:该文针对模式识别的特点,构造了适合于模式识别问题的自适应模糊系统,对三种不同学习算法加以改进,在手写全数字识别上对分类器进行了实现,
- 里面有个webapps目录,该目录下的struts-documentation.war里就已经包含有struts的api文档-inside a webapps directory. Contents of the struts - documentation.war Lane has been included stru ts files of api
- vc2005编写黑白棋,不是人机对战,而是需要用户编写2个dll运行,可以进行算法之间对弈。带有时间判断,时间超时直接判负。-vc2005 prepared Reversi, not the war machine, but requires a user to prepare two dll running game between the algorithm can be carried out. With time to determine the time overtime negati
- WebSphere安装部署一步一图文档,目的是只要你会点击鼠标就会安装和使用IBM WebSphere部署J2ee应用 步骤: 1、安装IBM WebSphere AppServer; 文档:IBM WebSphere6.1安装文档.doc 2、安装IBM Http Server; 文档:IBM HTTP server6.1安装文档.doc 3、安装Http Server Plugin; 文档:Http Server Plugin安装文档.doc 4、安装补丁(可
- 五子棋人工智能权重估值算法,对一个重权估值算法五子棋简易人工智能的完整实现,包含人机对战、棋谱存取、双人对战等功能。-Gobang valuation weight of artificial intelligence algorithms, the right to a re-valuation of simple artificial intelligence algorithm Gobang complete implementation, including the man-machin
- 很多学电子大学生都会经历2年一次的全国大学生电子设计大赛,这文档可以帮助学生理清思路,积极备战-Electronics University Students will learn a lot of 2 years experience in the National Undergraduate Electronic Design Contest, this document can help students sort out ideas, and actively prepare for w
- 敏捷战事-中文版,想了解并实施敏捷的朋友们看看吧。是一本不错的指导书,我所在的部门目前正在照此实施。有兴趣的朋友,可以联系讨论。-Agile war- the Chinese version and implementation of agile want to know the friends who let' s see it. Is a good guide book, my department is currently being implemented accordingly.
- 21世纪是知识经济的时代,组织和利用知识信息的有力武器——数据库将继续得到广泛应用。数据库(Database,即DB)是存储在一起的相关数据的集合,是存储数据的“仓库”。其名词源于20世纪50年代,美国为战争的需要,把各种情报案中在一起,存入计算机。60年代数据库帮助设计了阿波罗登月火箭,推动了数据库技术的产生。70年代,数据库蓬勃发展,网状系统和层次系统占领了市场,并且关系数据库理论也日趋完善。80年代起,关系数据库产品已相当成熟,后来有了分布式数据库系统(Distributed Databa
- A presentaion on seond world war
- 飘小说《飘》是美国著名女作家玛格丽特·米歇尔创作的一部具有浪漫主义色彩、反映南北战争题材的小说。主人公斯佳丽身上表现出来的叛逆精神和艰苦创业、自强不息的精神,一直令读者为之倾心。这部经久不息的小说感动了无数的读者。-Gone with the Wind novel " Gone with the Wind" is a famous American writer Margaret Mitchell has created a romantic color, reflecting
- As a war-soldier expecting a waylay, you can not invest too much of time handling the extra baggage of heavy equipments along with you. To assist you in thes
- 拿破仑不仅是一个杰出的军事家,而且也是欧洲史上最伟大的人物之一,他不仅是创造了法国历史,而且也创造了所有欧洲各国的历史。他于1804年加冕为法兰西皇帝,从此他的名字就和他无数战争的胜利联系在一起。-Napoleon is not only an outstanding strategist, but also one of the greatest figures of European history, he not only created the history of France, bu
- Altitude location for UAV by using federated filter is discussed, the fourth structure is selected, because its two sub-filters involving altitude sensor and the difference Global Positioning System (d-GPS) respectively are fully isolated from
- Electronic warfare (EW) refers to any action involving the use of the electromagnetic spectrum or directed energy to control the spectrum, attack an enemy, or impede enemy assaults via the spectrum. GEOLOCATION is the identification of the real-world
- The word Radar is the acronym of Radio detection and ranging. Radar is an active instrument, which measures the echo of scattering objects, surfaces and volumes illuminated by an electromagnetic wave internally generated belonging to the microwave po
- It is a simple war game .which can shoot any direction and made by netbeans platform
- 可以在指定的局域网上跟好友联网进行五子棋对战,还提供了游戏中聊天的功能,比较好玩,可以试用-You can specify a LAN with friends network play Gobang, also provide in game chat function, more fun, You can try it.
- T7te Foundations of the Science of War is a compilation of material presented by Fuller when he was chief instructor, Staff College, Camberley. Dating 1926, it is the culmination of his theoretical writings and an early attempt to fit mechaniza