- Programming C#, the top selling book on Microsoft s high-performance C# programming language, is now in its fourth edition. Aimed at experienced programmers and web developers, this comprehensive guide focuses on the features and programming patterns
- 毕业设计是教学过程的最后阶段采用的一种总结性的实践教学环节,是对学生四年所学知识的综合分析和综合运用能力的检验,也是对本科教学水平的检验。由于传统的毕业设计管理存在选题不合理、指导不及时的弊病,因此,一个好的管理方式呼之欲出,本设计就是开发一个基于网络的管理监控系统,更好的利用网络资源。采用ASP.NET技术,使用ACCESS数据库,开发B/S模式的毕业设计质量管理与监控系统,为师生提供了一个信息交流的平台,实现了从选题、指导到实时监督的全动态管理,不仅可以使教师从烦琐的事务中解脱出来,而且还能
- powerbuilder 操作手册 PowerDesigner是一个“一站式”的企业级建模及设计解决方案,它能帮助企业快速高效地进行企业应用系统构建及再工程(Re-engineer)。 IT专业人员可以利用它来有效开发各种解决方案,从定义业务需求到分析和设计,以至集成所有现代 RDBMS 和Java™ 、.NET、PowerBuilder® 和 Web Services的开发等-powerbuilder manual PowerDesigner is a " one
- TestComplete is a full-featured environment for automated testing of Windows, .NET, Java, WPF (XAML) applications, web pages, web servers and web services. It has been designed to free developers and QA departments from the massive drain on time
- In this Tutorial we will use Visual Studio 2010 and C# 4.0. C# is the programming language, while Visual Studio is the development environment. 1.1 Visual Studio Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Micro
- ASP.Net is a web development platform, which provides a programming model, a comprehensive software infrastructure and various services required to build up robust web application for PC, as well as mobile devices.