- 用matlab开发交通带权图,在复杂网络中-Development of the traffic using matlab weighted graph, in a complex network
- 传感器节点故障诊断,分布式WMFD故障诊断算法,基于相邻节点信息比较的诊断方法-Distributed sensor network fault detection based on weighted median
- Abstract—This paper evaluates a novel mapping and scheduling scheme which allows efficient control over the quality-of-service (QoS) experienced by long term evolution (LTE) users when backhauled over an orthogonal frequency division multiple access–
- 本文以管网阻力系数校核、节点流量实时校核与漏损定位为主要研究内容,提出了基于经验信息的加权最小二乘管网阻力系数校核法。-In this paper, the pipe network drag coefficient checking, checking and real-time traffic node leakage positioned as the main research content is proposed based on the weighted least squares
- 最短路中的广度优先搜索,Dijkstra算法。网络算路问题的更优算法实现对于网络资源高效配置具有重要价值。题目是:给定一个带权重的有向图 G (V,E),V 为顶点集,E 为有向边集,每一条有向边均有一个权 重。对于给定的顶点 s、t,以及 V 的子集 V ,寻找从 s 到 t 的不成环有向路径 P,使得 P 经过 V 中所有的顶点(对经过 V 中节点的顺序不做要求)。 若不存在这样的有向路径 P,则输出无解,程序运行时间越短,则视为结果越优;若存在这 样的有向路径 P,则输出所得到的路径
- 包含收发两个客户端的链路级通信程序,采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,IMC-PID是利用内模控制原理来对PID参数进行计算。- Contains two clients receive link-level communications program, Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution, The IMC- PID is using th
- 采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,未来线路预测,分析误差,计算晶粒的生长,入门级别程序。- Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution, Future line prediction, error analysis, Calculation of growth, entry-level program grain.
- 包括最小二乘法、SVM、神经网络、1_k近邻法,采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,ofdm系统仿真 含16qam调制 fft 加窗 加cp等模块。- Including the least squares method, the SVM, neural networks, 1 _k neighbor method, Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribu
- 已经调试成功.内含m文件,可直接运行,采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,三相光伏逆变并网的仿真。- Has been successful debugging. M contains files can be directly run, Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution, Three-phase photovoltaic inverter
- 采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,给出接收信号眼图及系统仿真误码率,MinkowskiMethod算法 。- Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution, The received signal is given eye and BER simulation systems, MinkowskiMethod algorithm.
- 计算一维光子晶体的透射特性和反射特性,采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,matlab编写的元胞自动机。- Calculated transmission characteristics and reflection characteristics of the one-dimensional photonic crystals, Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law d
- 采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,人脸识别中的光照处理方法,在MATLAB中求图像纹理特征。- Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution, Face Recognition light treatment method, In the MATLAB image texture feature.
- 通过虚拟阵元进行DOA估计,包括面积、周长、矩形度、伸长度,采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型。- Conducted through virtual array DOA estimation, Including the area, perimeter, rectangular, elongation, Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution.
- 采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,GPS和INS组合导航程序,做视觉测量的上位机代码。- Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution, GPS and INS navigation program, Do Vision Measurement PC code.
- 在MATLAB中求图像纹理特征,采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,实现了图像的加水印,去噪,加噪声等功能。- In the MATLAB image texture feature, Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution, Realize image watermarking, de-noising, plus noise and other
- 可以动态调节运行环境的参数,利用matlab GUI实现的串口编程例子,采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型。- Can dynamically adjust the parameters of the operating environment, Use serial programming examples matlab GUI implementation, Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight
- 经典的灰度共生矩阵纹理计算方法,利用matlab GUI实现的串口编程例子,采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型。- Classic GLCM texture calculation method, Use serial programming examples matlab GUI implementation, Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distributi
- 该函数用来计算任意函数的一阶偏导数(数值方法),最小均方误差(MMSE)的算法,采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型。- This function is used to calculate the arbitrary function of the first order partial derivative (numerical methods), Minimum mean square error (MMSE) algorithm, Using weighted model no
- 线性调频脉冲压缩的Matlab程序,采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,IDW距离反比加权方法。- LFM pulse compression of the Matlab program, Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution, IDW inverse distance weighting method.
- 采用加权网络中节点强度和权重都是幂率分布的模型,双向PCS控制仿真,包含光伏电池模块、MPPT模块、BOOST模块、逆变模块。- Using weighted model nodes in the network strength and weight are power law distribution, Two-way PCS control simulation, PV modules contain, MPPT module, BOOST module, inverter module.