- How To buildup your first Java Card Applet by IBM JCOP Toolset教學文件-How To buildup your first Java Card Applet b y IBM JCOP Toolset teaching document
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met-Redistribution and use in source and binar y forms, with or without modification, are permitted provi
- This was the public transportation inquiry system software engineering design documents, including the demand analysis, the outline design, the contact surface design and so on a series of designs documents, made the comprehensive analysis to the pub
- This was the public transportation inquiry system software engineering design documents, including the demand analysis, the outline design, the contact surface design and so on a series of designs documents, made the comprehensive analysis to the pub
- This was the public transportation inquiry system software engineering design documents, including the demand analysis, the outline design, the contact surface design and so on a series of designs documents, made the comprehensive analysis to the pub
- This was the public transportation inquiry system software engineering design documents, including the demand analysis, the outline design, the contact surface design and so on a series of designs documents, made the comprehensive analysis to the pub
- This was the public transportation inquiry system software engineering design documents, including the demand analysis, the outline design, the contact surface design and so on a series of designs documents, made the comprehensive analysis -This was
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- function y_cum = cum2x (x,y, maxlag, nsamp, overlap, flag) %CUM2X Cross-covariance % y_cum = cum2x (x,y,maxlag, samp_seg, overlap, flag) % x,y - data vectors/matrices with identical dimensions % if x,y are matrices, rather than vectors, col
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