- 本文档是针对软件工程,课设做的一个酒店的程序的概要和详细设计书。里面记录详细,采用国标,里面用的都是UML建模工具 很完备,也用了我不少心血,当时在做的时候-This document is for software engineering, class-based hotels do a summary of the procedures and detailed design document. Inside detailed records using GB, inside the U
- 本文主要研究Ada95与C++两种面向对象语言之间类层次上的绑定生成方法。首 先简要描述了Ada95与C++面向对象机制的异同以及Ada95标准中与其它语言的接 口机制,在此基础上给出了Ada95到C++类的绑定生成方法,设计出绑定生成工具 原型;对通用目标代码文件格式和内部链接名信息的提取进行详细讨论,并给予实 现;对C++模板的绑定生成进行了较深入地分析,提出模板绑定生成的解决方案并 进行了实例验证。所采取的研究方法及所得结果同样适用于其它语言间的绑定生成。-This paper studi
- Dijkstra算法求最短路径(C#版) using System using System.Collections using System.Text namespace Greedy { class Marx { private int[] distance private int row private ArrayList ways = new ArrayList() public Marx(int n,params int
- a document to learning MPI
- Education over the Internet is the latest concept in spreading education to every one. The conveniences of learning on line are numerous. Students and those interested in learning over the computer and can choose their own timing that is convenient t
- 教你如何开发一个语言点名系统,有硬件的架构,也有软件代码的实现,相信作为课设是有一定的意义的-Teach you how to develop a language naming system, a hardware architecture, but also the realization of software code, I believe there is a certain set as a class the meaning of
- CMOS射频低噪声放大器的最详细的设计,相信熟读后,定会对运放电路类有一个很好的了解。-CMOS RF low-noise amplifier of the most detailed design, I believe familiar, the setting op-amp circuit class will have a good understanding.
- 本人自写的有关类与对象的课件,希望刚接触C++的朋友能从中有所收获。-Since I wrote about the class and the object of courseware, hope new to C++ friends to learn from it.
- 这个软件工程课件是我学校老师上课时授课用的,希望大家喜欢-The courseware is my software engineering class taught by the school teacher, and I hope you like
- 学生选课系统需要满足来自三方面的需求,这三个方面分别是学生、教师和管理员。学生的需求是查询院系的课程、学生选课情况及学生信息的修改;教师对选课系统学生选课情况进行操作,同时形成学生选课查看确认;选课管理员的功能最为复杂,包括对学生、教师、选课进行管理和统计,及系统状态的查看、维护并生成选课报表。学生可以直接查看选课情况,学生可以根据本人学号和密码登录系统,还可以进行本人学科成绩情况的查询和维护部分个人信息。-Class selection system from three aspects ne
- 谷歌Google s Python Class的练习,以及我做的答案-Google Google' s Python Class exercises, and I do answer
- 这是uml学习的课件,老师上课的时候我考下来的。-This is uml learning courseware, teacher in the class when I test down.
- 这是uml学习的课件,老师上课的时候我考下来的,但愿给你帮助。-This is uml learning courseware, teacher in the class when I test down.
- document on power transistors in a class and simplified story telling about them. I hope you will accept this document as much need of a driver step7 master slave communication MBUS-document on power transistors in a class and simplified story telli
- Here i am attaching the UML Diagrams of Content based image retrival which cn be help for the developing the project documentation. It consits of 6 types of different uml diagrams like Usecase,class,sequence,colloboration,and activity so enjoy.....
- 数据库课程设计图书管理系统,包括用到的类、ER图、实现的功能等多项内容。如果喜欢的话,本人可上传源码哒-Database curriculum design library management system, used in class, ER diagram, function and content. If you like, I can upload the source code da ~ ~
- VC类存映射源码与说明,内存映射文件与虚拟内存有些类似,通过内存映射文件可以保留一个地址空间的区域,同时将物理存储器提交给此区域,内存文件映射的物理存储器来自一个已经存在于磁盘上的文件,而且在对该文件进行操作之前必须首先对文件进行映射。使用内存映射文件处理存储于磁盘上的文件时,将不必再对文件执行I/O操作,使得内存映射文件在处理大数据量的文件时能起到相当重要的作用。-VC class source code and descr iption of the memory map, memory-m
- This paper proposes a novel single stage Photovoltaic (PV) inverter which fulfills all the system requirements (i.e. inverting dc voltage to proper ac, stepping up or down the input voltage, maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
- 这是我参加linux培训时,老师发给的课件,课件介绍了linux概念,开发过程和使用时注意技巧-This is I joined the Linux training teacher to courseware, courseware, explains the concept of the Linux development process and pay attention to when using skills
- Write an application class PlaneApp that implements the seating reservation program. The class PlaneApp should be able to support the following: (1) Show the number of empty seats (2) Show the list of empty seats (3) Show the list of customer