- MAXQ3180中文版说明书。MAXQ3180是专用的电气参数测量前端,它采集并计算多相负载的多相电压、电流、功率、 能量等多种计量参数和功率品质参数-MAXQ3180 Chinese version manual. MAXQ3180 is dedicated front-end measurement of electrical parameters, which collect and calculate the multi-phase multi-phase load voltage, c
- Pic16f716高质量C数显电压字表源代码,内含:ISIS 7 Professional硬件仿真,源代码,PIC16F716数据手册-Pic16f716 digital voltage high-quality C source code word table, containing: ISIS 7 Professional hardware simulation, source code, PIC16F716 Data Sheet
- Injection of the wind power into an electric grid affects the power quality. The performance of the wind turbine and thereby power quality are determined on the basis of measurements and the norms followed according to the guideline specified
- Article_herra Distorted voltage and current waveforms is one of the problems associated to electric power quality. Continuous use of non-linear loads provokes the existence of voltage waveforms with a high distortion. Thus, it is necessary to k
- 电压波动与闪变是电能质量的一个重要问题 在电力系统仿真中占据极其重要的位置-Voltage fluctuation and flicker occupy an extremely important position is an important issue of power quality in power system simulation
- 在 2010 年的11 月底,德国 acam公司在原有的基础上,又专门针对超声波热量表的一些特 性,进行了更深入的研究和改进,最终推出了新一代针对超声波热量表所设计的的芯片 TDC‐ GP21。这颗芯片为 QFN32 管脚的封装形式。这颗芯片而除了具备了 TDC‐GP2的功能以外,还 额外集成了超声波热量表所需要的信号处理模拟部分,比如模拟开关,以及低噪声斩波稳定 (自动进行温度电压校正)模拟信号比较器,以及内部集成了温度测量所需施密特触发器,使 超声波热量表的设计
- restorer (DVR), shunt connected compensator such as distribution static compensator (DSTATCOM), and a combination of series and shuntconnected compensators known as unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) [2, 4-6]. The series connected compensator c
- The technologies like custom power devices are emerged to provide protection against power quality problems. Custom power devices are mainly of three categories such as series-connected compensator like dynamic voltage restorer (DVR), shunt connecte
- Schematic of ZLPC2103 evaluation board saik on www.the0.net The Zero Research Institute presents a brand new ZLPC2103 Development Board for Philips NXP LPC2103 ARM Family. The ZLPC2103 Development board helps you get started writing programs and
- This paper presents a new and efficient approach for capacitor placement in radial distribution systems (RDS) that determine the optimal locations and size of capacitor with an objective of improving the voltage profile and reduction of power los
- This paper presents a new and efficient approach for capacitor placement in radial distribution systems (RDS) that determine the optimal locations and size of capacitor with an objective of improving the voltage profile and reduction of power los
- Power quality monitoring has advanced to an important tool for system evaluation and solving power-related problems. As a consequence the increased amount of recorded data requires more sophisticated analysis methods. The paper proposes a s
- 电压跌落是最严重的动态电能质量问题之一, 精确定位电压跌落起止时间是应对电压跌落问题的 重要前提和基础。由于电压采样信号往往有噪声分 量,现有的方法在定位电压跌落的起止时间时存在 局限性。本文提出利用多小波变换及相邻系数去噪 的电压跌落定位方法。多小波兼有对称性、正交性、 有限支撑性和二阶消失矩等优异的信号处理性能, 利用GHM多小波可以准确定位电压跌落起止时间。 多小波变换系数在每层之间具有对应关系,多小波 相邻系数将紧相邻的若干个系数作为一个整体来确
- in this project increases the ac voltage to ac voltage by using the matrix converter with that using the upqc decreases the power quality improvement
- AN ANN BASED APPROACH FOR OPTIMAL PLACEMENT OF DSTATCOM FOR VOLTAGE SAG MITIGATION-Voltage sag has been considered as one of the most harmful power quality problem as it may significantly affect industrial production. This paper presents
- TM1622 是一种带键盘扫描接口的LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内 部集成有MCU 数字接口、数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动、键盘扫描等电路。本产品性能优 良,质量可靠。 主要应用于VCR、VCD、DVD 及家庭影院等产品的显示屏驱动。 采用SOP32 的封装形式。-LED TM1622 is a scanning interface with a keyboard (light-emitting diode display) dedicated drive contr
- TM1640 是一种LED (发光二极管显示器) 驱动控制专用电路, 内部集成有MCU 数 字接口、数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动等电路。本产品性能优良,质量可靠。主要应用 于电子秤及小家电产品的显示屏驱动。采用SOP28的封装形式。-TM1640 is an LED (light emitting diode display) dedicated drive control circuit, the number of internally integrated MCU Digita
- TM1803是三通道LED(发光二极管显示器)驱动控制专用电路,内部集成有MCU 数字接口、 数据锁存器、LED 高压驱动等电路。通过外围 MCU控制实现该芯片的单独辉度、级联控制实现 户外大屏的彩色点阵发光控制。本产品性能优良,质量可靠。-TM1803 is a three-channel LED (light emitting diode display) dedicated drive control circuit, the internal MCU integrated dig
- This paper deals with the design and implementation of a multilevel voltage source converter based static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) employing an effective modulation control technique simulated in a MATLAB Simulink environment. The ma
- This book chapter presents a comprehensive set of MATLAB/Simulink models used to simulate various power quality disturbances. The models presented include distribution line fault, induction motor starting, and transformer energizing that are us