- Adobe Air是利用Adobe公司的Flash技术开发的媒体播放平台。而Native Extension就是让AIR可以调用各个平台上的本地代码(native code, 如ios上的object-c,android上的java,desktop上的c++,ca#等),从而完成对AIR中Actionscr ipt API的自定义扩展。即可以让开发者通过编写基于平台的本地代码扩展Actionscr ipt。从而完成一些原有Actionscr ipt无法完成的功能。-Adobe Air is de
- Delphi调用安卓手机照相机.支持自动对焦,闪光灯,前后镜头.-Use camera in android by delphi, auto focus, use flash, black and front camera.
- This document describes the application information of R8M Module that includes Allwinner Tech’s high performance processer R8 and 64Gb NAND Flash/4Gb DDR3 memory MCP. R8M is highly integrated, low power consumption, lower system cost module, which i
- This document describes the application information of R8M Module that includes Allwinner Tech’s high performance processer R8 and 64Gb NAND Flash/4Gb DDR3 memory MCP. R8M is highly integrated, low power consumption, lower system cost module, which i